I disagree. Wouldn’t matter to me who the drivers were or where in the championship it happened - I would view Masi’s actions as gross incompetence at best, or race fixing at worst. I feel that it has no place in the sport, particularly as Masi has an army of experienced people around him to offer wise counsel.
Theres lots wrong with F1, we all know it but this was so unprecedented and deals a body blow to the integrity of the sport. It strikes at the heart of the time honoured tradition of sport having rules, and rules that are there for a reason.
Thing is, Masi gets paid a fortune to be good at his job.
Whoever you personally support, do you feel Masi has done a good job?
Food for thought: if you were in a job and faced with a situation that was stressful and maybe out of your capability to manage would you A) defer to experienced colleagues or advisors and take their counsel? B) adhere to expected actions/behaviours based on documented procedures and 20 years of precedent? or C) Make something up on the spot and hope for the best?
Whether Max or Lewis are WDC makes no difference to me. I respect them both as racers, but genuinely don’t much like either of them, and my life goes on unchanged.
But I’m interested to hear whether you genuinely think Masi has done a good job and also what you would do in a difficult situation at work as outlined above.