The problem with the sub clauses is that the first 3 (a-c) all include caveats around "in accordance with the Code or Sporting Regulations", for clauses "d" and "e" these are ommitted. On that basis it would strongly imply that for those clauses decisions can be made that are not in accordance with the code of sporting regulations. This is where MM was both right and wrong. He was right in so far as he has not broken any regulations - he is allowed to do what he did. Wrong in that it created a false outcome. MM is to blame, but the majority of the blame sits with poorly worded clauses. As I mentioned previously in this thread, as the regulations are currently written, the race director could allow certain cars to start early, make other cars wait at the start, he can bring the safety car out when he wants and rearrange places however he wants. Precedent and trust have prevented this "abuse" in the past. The biggest damage MM has done is to create a new precedent and destroy trust in the race directors role.