I doubt they’ll sack him, as that would be seen as admission of guilt and acceptance that they done wrong.
It’s more likely they’ll ask him to step down or create some other crazy position for him and move him along.
However, I personally see neither situation happening as the season is over and the media buzz will die off if Mercedes drop the appeal. It’s more likely that the FIA will double down on the decision and hope it blows over.
The danger with this approach is that his reputation is shot to pieces, so the next questionable decision he makes (race 1 2022?
) will lead to the reopening of old wounds. For that reason, I think he needs to step down voluntarily.
If he does step down, (let’s say after the appeal is dropped) then they’ll give it the big “oh noes… we wish him well”, release a press statement thanking him and quickly brush it away.
However, with the way that he handled that last race I kind of hope they get Vince McMahon to scream YOOOOUURRRE FIIIIIIIRED at him whilst Toto comes at him with a steel chair. Entertainment.