This is the exact type of cyclist that give all the rest the bad name. It's clear your intent so to just fly infront of you like that is just bizaare.
Absolutely, usually adult men riding clapped out mountain bikes with no lights etc.
He was giving way to the carriageway... the cyclist wasn't on the carriageway and didn't have priority to cross.
No, they don't... otherwise there would be no need for zebra or pelican crossings would there? You'd have to drive everywhere as if it was a zebra crossingPedestrians literally always have way. However, this wasn't a pedestrian, but I would still be surprised if this didn't go against the op for fault
Would be a shame if the dashcam footage *cough* disappeared *cough*. You were completely stationery right? He rode into you.
Is it bust? How come you still have it?
They'd either wait or cross behind you.
Pedestrians literally always have way. However, this wasn't a pedestrian, but I would still be surprised if this didn't go against the op for fault