Ace Combat 6 demo on MP

i enjoyed it allot. But as with all flying games it gets more disapointing the lower you fly.. From a few hundred feet it looks amazing. But flying low brings disapointment.....Well for me it does any how. But the game play is nice. Still figuring out the targeting system tho :)
The demo is awesome! Visuals are very nice, a lot of detail on the planes (just don't go too near the ground :p )
The smoke trails and explosions look very cool and you can climb very high up into the clouds. The best bit of the demo for me though was the music, just seems to suit the combat so well along with the screams of "Fox three!"
Adam Senior said:
i enjoyed it allot. But as with all flying games it gets more disapointing the lower you fly.. From a few hundred feet it looks amazing. But flying low brings disapointment.....Well for me it does any how. But the game play is nice. Still figuring out the targeting system tho :)

Its not they cant have better detail, but the frame rate takes priority, it would chug if the buildings were perfect.
kidloco said:
Looks amazing till you go to low then its a bit basic to say the least, defo need some pratice though, I cant even work out how to lock on to people :p

Me neither, just had to follow the arrows and take out the default locked target.

Very nice looking game, typical Arcadey Ace Combat playabilty, not sure if it will be worth buying the flight stick, seems ok with the pad.
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