Actual favourite chocolate bar?

If I'm splashing out:

Hotel Chocolat Caramel slab:

If I'm just going to the shop - Galaxy Ripple all the way. In fact, might just have to pop to the shop...

Old chocolate bar I loved was the Cadbury's Spira. That was an awesome chocolate bar. Could use it like a straw to drink your cup of tea through :D
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Seem to remember that even when it was called Dime here, you could buy them in bags at Ikea and they were called Daim bars there.

Maybe Daim was their European name and they changed to come in line with the rest of Europe, a la Opal Fruits/Starburst?

Yeah thats probably true. Still sounds stupid do me. Like Jiff being renamed Ciff. :/

Either way Daim is tasty, and it's also good in those Milka bars with bits of Daim mixed in.

Old chocolate bar I loved was the Cadbury's Spira. That was an awesome chocolate bar.
Back in the day I thought they were a rip-off because it was just hollow dairy milk. But....
Could use it like a straw to drink your cup of tea through :D
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Nestle have changed Toffee Crisp. It used to be deep like a mars bar but now they've flattened it. The biting experience is ruined. :(
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