Having never lived in a new build *spit* or on an estate, are these sort of schemes mandatory or can you opt not to sign up to them when you buy your property? Smacks of legalised 'extortion' to me.
Used to be worse, for a while fairly recently, new build houses were being sold on leases, with clauses for ground rent and service charge increases.
Firstly there is (normally) no reason why a lease needs to be created on a house, the whole thing was a scam but people going into thses things with no idea.
This has been stopped now, but I believe they can still put an "estate change" into the freehold title, which is totally ******** as well.
New build devepers are ******* greasy, they make a fortune building shoddy houses with little to no regulation, the government do **** because it feeds their capitalism.
Not only now but this trend of "estate charges" so they can extort even more.
You'd have to have your head examined to get into anything like this.
I'm not sure if these estate management companies fall under any regulatory body?? I doubt it because they will more than likely be setup as independent limited companies, with links to the initial developer.