ADSL Connection keeps dropping..Why?

7 Mar 2005
Ok here goes as this is on a friends PC. He was on dial up, got Wanadoo broadband. So he went out and bought a Zoom ADSL, USB modem. I went round to connect it all up for him. But as soon as it connects it drops out after a few seconds.
Im wondering if this could relate to the fact that his main phone line is downstairs and he has ran an extension to his room with the pc in. Would this extension reduce the quality of the signal allowing it to drop out or is that not likely? (There are ADSL filters on the main line and extension)

Thanks for any ideas :)
could be a number of things, fault in the exchange, software fault (may need to manual configure the modem), or the extension, try pluging it in the main phone point if poss.
AnastieByte said:
So he went out and bought a Zoom ADSL, USB modem.

Bought a USB modem? :eek:

But as soon as it connects it drops out after a few seconds.

Define "drops out" - you mean it loses synch (DSL light goes out or whatever)?

Would this extension reduce the quality of the signal allowing it to drop out or is that not likely? (There are ADSL filters on the main line and extension)

It's possible. Try the modem hooked up to the master socket with no extensions.

Attenuation and SNR margin (when it's in synch) would be useful, but it's doubtful if that modem will spit them out.
Wow prompt replies. Yes I know he should not have got a USB modem but he just dont listen :o
Its not possible to try it on the main phone socket as its not near any power points etc... ok then may be with a lot of effort but would prefer that to be a last resort!
By "drop out" what it actually does is it will connect for about 10s then disconnect its self. Pressing to reconnect it says " no dial tone"????
Does his motherboard have a Via chipset by any chance? Via chipsets aren't good at providing a constant 500mA to the USB ports so ADSL connections drop quite regularly.

Plugging the modem into a powered USB hub should get around that problem. An ADSL router would be a much better option though.
If all the lights go out (including the power or USB link light), then I'd suspect that the modem isn't getting enough power from the USB port on the PC.
It sounds to me like the extension causing the problem, if it's just losing sync.

Short of relocating the computer etc to nearer the socket. You could try double filtering the extension.


It doesn't always work, but it sometimes does.
A few months ago I would have agreed, but I've seen lots of cases recently where over long extensions it's the only thing that's helped.
tolien said:
If it is the case, it's a case of dodgy filters, and bad wiring.

And out of the 6,500,000-7,000,000 end users, how many of those do you think are avid DIY'ers that don't want to pay BT to move a socket, or add an extension socket?

The network is full of dodgy wiring, both before the DP and after. Sometimes the illogical is the only thing that fixes some problems :p
Scottland said:
And out of the 6,500,000-7,000,000 end users, how many of those do you think are avid DIY'ers that don't want to pay BT to move a socket, or add an extension socket?

There's a pretty large distinction between cocking up the wiring or using dodgy filters, and doing a (decent) job of wiring an extension. There's no requirement to pay (a lot of) money to BT for either extension wiring or NTE relocation to not make a pig's ear of it.
With MaxDSL on its way, it's going to become a major issue (ie wait for the "why am I not getting 8Mbps when my attenuation is 2dB and I can see the exchange out my window" posts).

The network is full of dodgy wiring, both before the DP and after.

After the NTE, that's the EU's problem. Before it, that's what there's a fault resolution system for.

Sometimes the illogical is the only thing that fixes some problems :p

Sometimes using appropriate wiring and equipment fixes most problems :p

Besides, disconnect the extensions, and the filters are just an (expensive) wire. ;)
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