ADSL Max Question?

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

I just looked on samknows and they estimate my exchange will be enabled for ADSL Max by 31.03.2006 :D

I'm currently only able to get 1 MB (I'm with Pipex btw) on my line, so what does ADSL Max entail? I used the speed calculator in the FAQ and it varies from about 1.5 MB to 2.1 MB - will the upgrade be automatic or do you have to apply for it or something?

Just wondering... :rolleyes:


I would also like to know, like yours mine is surposed to get upgraded by end of march, so what does it do? extra speed increase?
As far as i know the exchange upgrade allows it to keep adjusting the sync and speed so you should always be able to get the maximum data transfer, im sure it will cost more to make use of the actual speed as isp's can throttle us. :mad:
Well if your unlucky enough to be with pipex don't get your hopes up, they've already got max down for £28.

edit: sorry just checked and its £34 unless you get thier stupid talk service which will make it £33. :rolleyes:
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I could easily just go to UK Online and get what i currently have for £10 or 8mbps for £25, i really don't know how much longer i can put up with pipex.
Hmm jast had look at bulldog and seems to be 9.75 for 8meg , with 1gig capp or 19.75 unlimited cap which is cool.
Yeah thats pretty cool, i can get them too so may have a think about that. :)

edit: once again spoke too soon to be let down as i found out you have to take up their phone service too, great.
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Im with them and dont have a phone service with them.

Ive only got the internet from them no phone survive.
did the same test as you sam.wheelie
it ended up saying a rough estimate is 8192mbp! :D
mind you my stats are - SNR (28-29 it fluctuates) and Attenuation is 50
now am i right in saying that the atten is fairly high for even getting 2mbp?? so infact that 8mbp estimate could well be wrong?
sja360 said:
now am i right in saying that the atten is fairly high for even getting 2mbp?? so infact that 8mbp estimate could well be wrong?

Out of spec for 2Mbps. But that's about it.
How much you get will depend almost entirely on your SNR margin and current sync rate.

The "estimate" date of 31/3/06 is totally a guess. It's just that BT haven't set an actual date.

Upgrades will be based on the ISP requesting them - expect another round of bulk upgrades.
Id like a isp to provide a service for about £40 a month for maxdsl unlimited

I dont think thats too expensive as long as that isp provided the best possible connection for me at all times.

Why cant isp's understand this?

The only two companies i know of and have experience to date are eclipse and zen. Both have had the odd rough patch at times tho.
Paa` said:
Why cant isp's understand this?

There's a distinction between understanding, and being able to. It might be from a member of the Plusnet staff, but this pretty much says it all. Factor in prices in the realms of £1/GB on Centrals, and you've got some idea of the kind of average usage an ISP can afford.

I'd be wary if even Eclipse and Zen will be able to sustain more than a few heavy users without significantly increased prices on >2Mbps.
sam.wheale said:
Hey guys,

I just looked on samknows and they estimate my exchange will be enabled for ADSL Max by 31.03.2006 :D

I'm currently only able to get 1 MB (I'm with Pipex btw) on my line, so what does ADSL Max entail? I used the speed calculator in the FAQ and it varies from about 1.5 MB to 2.1 MB - will the upgrade be automatic or do you have to apply for it or something?

Just wondering... :rolleyes:



To make sure you get the maximum speed from MAXDSL, you need to prepare.

1. Locate your BT master socket. This will look like a normal faceplate expect its split into two sections.

2. Unscrew the front of the faceplate. This will disconnect all your extensions in your house, and expose the BT test socket.

3. Plug your modem into this test socket.

4. Measure your line stats. Your SNR will be the highest it will ever be, as there are no extensions picking up interference.

5. What you need to do now depends on your home wiring. If you have no extensions from the master socket, then just use the microfilter like you normally do. If you have a lot of extensions, you can either call BT out to fit a filterered faceplate to your mastersocket (this will provide you with a RJ11 socket on your front of your mastersocket) or you can buy one yourself (£15?) and install it if you know how.

I had BT to install mine, cost me £130, but its money well spent if you are not confident enough to mess around with your home wiring.

With my filtered faceplate installed, I get the same SNR as I do connected to the BT master test socket.

This will provide you with the best possible speed when MAXDSl launches.

Ive got a 55DB line with 18db of SNR, I expect 2-2.5mbit stable rate.
It's not guaranteed that the SNR margin will change - if you've got decent extensions it doesn't matter. It is, however, worth trying, and seeing if there's a change.
If there is, yep, go through installing a new filtered master faceplate. Only possible with NTE5 though, older sockets need a visit from your friendly BT engineer.
Just to point out here... the 31st of March date being banded about could be a load of rubbish - it's the launch date for Datastream Max, not necessarily IPStream Max.
OllyM said:
Just to point out here... the 31st of March date being banded about could be a load of rubbish - it's the launch date for Datastream Max, not necessarily IPStream Max.

The 31st of march is not a launch date at all, its just the date when most of the exchanges will be upgraded to allow max connections.
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