sam.wheale said:
Hey guys,
I just looked on samknows and they estimate my exchange will be enabled for ADSL Max by 31.03.2006
I'm currently only able to get 1 MB (I'm with Pipex btw) on my line, so what does ADSL Max entail? I used the speed calculator in the FAQ and it varies from about 1.5 MB to 2.1 MB - will the upgrade be automatic or do you have to apply for it or something?
Just wondering...
To make sure you get the maximum speed from MAXDSL, you need to prepare.
1. Locate your BT master socket. This will look like a normal faceplate expect its split into two sections.
2. Unscrew the front of the faceplate. This will disconnect all your extensions in your house, and expose the BT test socket.
3. Plug your modem into this test socket.
4. Measure your line stats. Your SNR will be the highest it will ever be, as there are no extensions picking up interference.
5. What you need to do now depends on your home wiring. If you have no extensions from the master socket, then just use the microfilter like you normally do. If you have a lot of extensions, you can either call BT out to fit a filterered faceplate to your mastersocket (this will provide you with a RJ11 socket on your front of your mastersocket) or you can buy one yourself (£15?) and install it if you know how.
I had BT to install mine, cost me £130, but its money well spent if you are not confident enough to mess around with your home wiring.
With my filtered faceplate installed, I get the same SNR as I do connected to the BT master test socket.
This will provide you with the best possible speed when MAXDSl launches.
Ive got a 55DB line with 18db of SNR, I expect 2-2.5mbit stable rate.