Advice getting 3570K to 4.5+

with .050 offset what are your actual voltages in cpuz also how are your temps looking

Core Voltage at +0.050 is 1.248 under load, tempts are still hovering around 70 degrees :)

was just trying for 4.4 and was still not quite stable at +0.085

e: odd things are happening now though, like Firefox crashing, its got to be related to the overclock, although it seems strange to me, few other things have crashed too, like the Desktop Window Manager process and things
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Sounds a bit defeatist but id be tempted to just run with 4.2 at - .005 the difference in speed and work done going from 4.2 to 4.4 will be tiny especially when you start getting isues
Stick it up one notch or two , to medium.

Then go back down to +.020 and see what voltages your getting at load and idle

This is why I suggested leaving offset for now, stick llc to medium and set 1.3 vcore and see what voltages your getting, much easier to find out what volts your cpu needs for certain speeds this way imo
Sounds a bit defeatist but id be tempted to just run with 4.2 at - .005 the difference in speed and work done going from 4.2 to 4.4 will be tiny especially when you start getting isues

But then that wouldn't be fun or interesting would it ;)

That's why people get into overclocking, it's addictive :D
hmm, i think i will just go back to 4.2 then, i don't really do anything to warrant the extra power. ill run it at 4.2 with the -0.005 offset for a while to make sure its properly stable then, at least until the next time i find myself with nothing to do ;)

Thanks for the help guys, i appreciate it :D
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