Advice needed, (decision making)

26 Jan 2008
Ok im 19 and still living at home. Im half way through my third year studying contemporary music and have learned all that i need to earn a comfortable wage with music as well as being able to work part/full time elsewhere. The only thing left of the course is a load of stressful assignments all for a piece of paper that i dont need to work in the industry (and is barely recognised anyway).

Ive got a lot of problems at home and need to move out (but cant due to a lack of money and full time college).

Do I quit college, get a job and move out.


Put up with a lot of stress at home, lots of written work until july and then get a job and move out.

Please help :(
Stay at college.

Yeah, you might have the knowledge if you quit. But if you stay, you'll have a piece of paper that proves it too. That piece of paper could be the one thing that makes a potential employer take you on for a job over another candidate :)
but i seriously cant live here any more, my problems at home are affecting my health, making me unhappy almost to the point of depression and I dont think ill be able to finish my college work. If I fail one unit, I fail the course and i've got two assignments that are a month overdue.
but i seriously cant live here any more, my problems at home are affecting my health, making me unhappy almost to the point of depression and I dont think ill be able to finish my college work. If I fail one unit, I fail the course and i've got two assignments that are a month overdue.

Seriously just stick through it and try. It's already mid February. Only 5 months! And you might even be finishing up early in college so you could start working and just get days of to hand in assignments. So maybe you could be out of there by June!
Stick it out.
I was in your postion in 5th year at school. I was ill with the arguments between me and my family, things were going bad at school, it was terrible. But I'm glad I stuck it now.

If you drop out now you'll have NOTHING to show for it, well, except that you can't stick anything through.
Stick it out.
I was in your postion in 5th year at school. I was ill with the arguments between me and my family, things were going bad at school, it was terrible. But I'm glad I stuck it now.

If you drop out now you'll have NOTHING to show for it, well, except that you can't stick anything through.

Ill have everything I need except a piece of paper that I know for sure i wont need
Ill have everything I need except a piece of paper that I know for sure i wont need

It's not just the piece of paper you're working for though. Employers will wonder what you've done during those 3 years and might not be that understanding when you try to explain why you abandoned the course with only a handful of months remaining.

Your home situation sounds pretty nasty though so, umm, why not "corner" one of your course tutors or just someone from the college staff that you trust and then unburden yourself as it were. If they know what a rough time you're having then they can possibly help you through it with a bit of extra support and even what might be crucial extensions for these upcoming assignments.

Other than that...*shrug*. Maybe spend more time at the college doing as much work as you can there instead? You'll probably be able to stay a lot more focussed and more importantly you won't be at home (that's a good thing right?).
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