Advice required

Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
My wife’s SIL called me yesterday, saying, “What is that forum that I’ve seen you use?”
Cautiously I asked why, and she said that my wife’s brother had received a permaban from Pistonheads, as he’d got into a back and forth about Corbyn, and posted something perceived as anti Semitic.
Aware that he wouldn’t be able to spell clock, let alone Overclockers, I told her that it was Overclockers, but knowing that his interests stretched from cider, through lager, and peaked at Millwall, I said that Overclockers might not suit him, and to check out Digital Spy.
Then it occurred to me that wiser heads here could maybe suggest a forum that might suit his requirements.
I take the **** out him constantly, but he’s got a heart as big as a Mack truck, and would give you the shirt from his back, he’s just not well versed in social niceties.
e.g. if I suggested going out for dinner, he sees Nando’s to be as near to fine dining as he can reach for.
We took him and his wife to an upscale restaurant in Atlanta GA once, and as we were perusing the menu, a waiter came by and offered us bread from a basket, my BIL looked at him suspiciously, and said, “How much extra is that?”
Any forum suggestions that may suit him will be gratefully considered.
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He'll fit in perfectly to Squabbler's Corner.

Just make sure he reads the Squabbler's Corner Starter pack:

1) Be vehemently labour/tory trump/anti-trump brexit/remainer.
2) Call people who disagree with you a bigot, even though you're 100% certain your views are correct and you are not open to having your mind changed.
3) Take glee in the failures of governments and world leaders, even if their failures negatively affect yourself. Getting to say "I told you so! I knew I was right" Is far more important than the wellbeing of the country.
4) Remember personal insults aren't allowed. However you can get around this by putting 'if' around your insult. If you see a view you hate, don't say "you're an idiot for supporting 'x'". Do the following: "If you support <x> you're an idiot", or "people who support <x> are an idiot". There we go. Insult away. The mods allow this.
5) Nitpick over the smallest things. If they resort to the dictionary definitions, refer to some wikipedia article with subjective objective definitions. Remember if you can derail them from their point, and win an argument over semantics instead, you win.
6) If someone magically beats you in an argument, ignore them and go post in another thread.
7) If someone is getting the upper hand in an argument, belittle them by pointing out how seriously they're taking an argument on an online forum. Get a life right? Even though you've spent as much time arguing (googling points of views to parrot) as they have.
If my wife tried getting involved with my choice of forums I'd be very concerned.

The only way his wife is getting involved is to ask me for advice on what Forum might suit him, knowing her, there’s no way that she’d say, this is the one for you, she’d say Jean said this might suit you, go online and see what you think.
nah nah nah, you ain't getting away with it as easily as that......come on, what he post?!

I honestly have no idea, I never would have had him down as “politically aware”, I’ve also never heard him say anything that could even be remotely construed as of an anti Semitic nature.

Yes but what was the name of the road that this restaurant in Atlanta GA was on?

I take it that you’re on a monumental wind up, but it was the Sun Dial revolving restaurant, on the top floor of the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, on Peachtree Street, Atlanta.
I honestly have no idea, I never would have had him down as “politically aware”, I’ve also never heard him say anything that could even be remotely construed as of an anti Semitic nature.

I take it that you’re on a monumental wind up, but it was the Sun Dial revolving restaurant, on the top floor of the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, on Peachtree Street, Atlanta.

That's a bit better then Macs.

should have gone to Bacchanalia awesome food(well it was in 2004).
I honestly have no idea, I never would have had him down as “politically aware”, I’ve also never heard him say anything that could even be remotely construed as of an anti Semitic nature.

I take it that you’re on a monumental wind up, but it was the Sun Dial revolving restaurant, on the top floor of the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, on Peachtree Street, Atlanta.
What did you have for pudding?
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