He'll fit in perfectly to Squabbler's Corner.
Just make sure he reads the Squabbler's Corner Starter pack:
1) Be vehemently labour/tory trump/anti-trump brexit/remainer.
2) Call people who disagree with you a bigot, even though you're 100% certain your views are correct and you are not open to having your mind changed.
3) Take glee in the failures of governments and world leaders, even if their failures negatively affect yourself. Getting to say "I told you so! I knew I was right" Is far more important than the wellbeing of the country.
4) Remember personal insults aren't allowed. However you can get around this by putting 'if' around your insult. If you see a view you hate, don't say "you're an idiot for supporting 'x'". Do the following: "If you support <x> you're an idiot", or "people who support <x> are an idiot". There we go. Insult away. The mods allow this.
5) Nitpick over the smallest things. If they resort to the dictionary definitions, refer to some wikipedia article withsubjectiveobjective definitions. Remember if you can derail them from their point, and win an argument over semantics instead, you win.
6) If someone magically beats you in an argument, ignore them and go post in another thread.
7) If someone is getting the upper hand in an argument, belittle them by pointing out how seriously they're taking an argument on an online forum. Get a life right? Even though you've spent as much time arguing (googling points of views to parrot) as they have.
This guy knows things.