Again spec me!

your decision, if you have an offer to get rid, and you have the funds then feel free :).

I think I'd rather have something brand new to play with! Thanks for all the help so far. Should hopefully have a definite amount I can spend on the computer at the end of today/tomorrow, hopefully a bit more than what was originally planned so it can be tweaked.

I'm definitely loving that Graphics card you linked. I've be getting BF3 for the computer straight away anyway. Is it massively different to the ocUK Value one which stulid linked?
Final one now guys... Hopefully going to order this today.

Final little bits if someone could help.

- Don't need a HDD, going to recycle mine from my current computer, do want a 128GB SSD though
- Don't need the DVD-REWRITER, again, recycling my SATA one
- Would like that Cooler Master from the original spec which stulid provided
- Also want this GPU *unless anyone can get me a better card in this range! I am selling MW3 already so I don't actually need it free as I'll just go pick it up :p
- £850 max!
:) again, thanks for all the help so far
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drop the bits out of stulid's spec you don't need, update the gfx to the one you listed if you think you'll play the other games listed, otherwise get the standard asus 560ti, and you should be fine :).
May as well the one with BF3 actually it's £28 in shops, so may as well save myself a couple of quid. Pretty sure I'll be able to find someone to sell Batman to :)
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