Age of Empires 2 HD

Next purchase for me. I have all of the games already but just for the ease of having it on steam and not having to use Voobly anymore to play multiplayer would be great.
Looks like the cheat codes will work again, car in game anyone? :D Still reckon everyone will go either Persians or Teuton. Me personally I like keeping it at home with the Brits and Longbow men.
Great news for the modding scene but I am a little disappointed that they haven't, from what I can see, done a lot more interesting than officially supporting better resolutions with slightly improved sprites! I still play this every now and again, nothing has come close to the experience since for me!
I remember playing against the AI for hours on end. Just me and them, same tactics every time, I would chase them all down to the last AI man running around at the corner of the map. Good times.
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