Age of Empires 2 HD

Waw ive been looking for a copy for a while and now its coming out on steam!!!!! AWESOMENESS ENSUES!
One of the best strategy games I have played, ever!

Will be purchasing a copy, even at £13.49 I will get value for money out of this.
The only thing I can see why I would buy it is because it being on Steam really

Graphics dont look all that much better
To be honest not that arsed on it being a graphics update

Steamworks for ease of multiplayer
Available on steam for convenience
Rerelease to get more people playing again and not those who will just stomp me
Serously though what an amazing game! And the greatest news for me ever regards gaming!! Remember playing in my teens am now 33 :)

Think the unit limit was 200 would like to see a mod to allow 500 say

I remember constantly chopping wood then selling for gold at the market.
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Not enough there for me. Just play the old one with slightly lesser graphics. 14 years and there should be a new version out not re hashing a old game

Exactly. The reactions in here are some what over rated. I love this game, although i really cant see myself playing it a lot to justify a £13.00 copy.

Its like i have all the C and C games. I just cant play anything before Tiberian sun.
Problem is, if they re-made it completely now, it would be full of micro-transactions, DRM and shiny,low IQ nonsense.

GFX upgrade and rework to use large/multiple monitors. That's all it needs IMHO.
I still play it regularly. I only really liked custom scenarios on game zone though. Grave blood and archer type fights. Could never get on with multiplayer matches on this, although when I did play them in the days of dial up I had to try to end them in 2 hours as the connection used to reset every 2 hours :D
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