They increased the res that doesnt really make it HD does it. The gfx are like effects and models are almost the same as the old version. Shame as i would have liked a proper hd version where it was fully updated to HD i.e textures, models, animations etc.
They increased the res that doesnt really make it HD does it. The gfx are like effects and models are almost the same as the old version. Shame as i would have liked a proper hd version where it was fully updated to HD i.e textures, models, animations etc.
They increased the res that doesnt really make it HD does it. The gfx are like effects and models are almost the same as the old version. Shame as i would have liked a proper hd version where it was fully updated to HD i.e textures, models, animations etc.
I agree, I was hoping for a bit more of an improvement with the graphics.
I was looking at the trailer and thought they were showing the game play of the old age of empires.... where is the HD? They could've updated the textures etc!
watch the whole trailer, HD is only at the end.