Aggressive small dogs

14 Dec 2011
Imho it is to do with balls to body size ratio, my old miniature Jack Russell was basically just a support system for his balls, being a little dog must be like being a roid abusing yank cop.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Only time I've been bitten by a dog was by a yappy rat on a lead. Dogs normally love me. I'm a soft touch it seems, they always seem to lay across my feet going 'here's my tummy... RUB IT!'

Proper sized dog or nothing at all.
4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
My brother has a Jack Russell, he's fairly big as JR's go and he doesn't get on with other dogs at all, he will literally go for them as soon as they approach. For this reason we keep him on a lead at all times, sadly other people don't and when their dog comes to say hello we have to try and shoo them away.
2 Nov 2013
Two Jack Russells here, neither even slightly aggressive.

Bunsen's problem is the opposite, he goes bounding up to any dog to sniff and play, and occasionally finds one that doesn't like it.

Beaker is a bit of a nervous one (I suspect something happened as a pup, she's always been this way) so will sometimes give a single defensive bark if she feels threatened by another dog.

They're both soft as anything though.
2 Nov 2013
My theory is simply that more people who have no interest in looking after their dog properly buy small ones, because they think that means they don't have to. That's the only reason you see more badly behaved small dogs, it's nothing to do with a breed issue.

Once, walking round the local mere, my dogs approached a large dog. It was on a lead, so I'd attached my dogs to theirs too. But as we were walking together, the owner made no move to suggest it wouldn't be friendly. Then once mine was in range, the big dog lunged forward and tried to remove her lower jaw. Luckily I, and my dog, reacted quickly enough.
The owner responded by thrashing the dog while screaming "you always do this" at it. Brilliant training technique.

So should I hate on all large dogs?
Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
My theory is simply that more people who have no interest in looking after their dog properly buy small ones, because they think that means they don't have to. That's the only reason you see more badly behaved small dogs, it's nothing to do with a breed issue.

You seriously don't believe that certain traits are bred into certain breads. A small dog that is bred for ratting is encouraged to be aggressive, fearless, dogged etc. Come on!
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Two Jack Russells here, neither even slightly aggressive.

Bunsen's problem is the opposite, he goes bounding up to any dog to sniff and play, and occasionally finds one that doesn't like it.

Beaker is a bit of a nervous one (I suspect something happened as a pup, she's always been this way) so will sometimes give a single defensive bark if she feels threatened by another dog.

They're both soft as anything though.

I don't really like Jack Russells, but... Utterly fantastic names you have for them. :D
27 Apr 2013
Many small dogs were bred for aggression as they were used for chasing foxes, going after rabbits and so forth. Many of the larger breeds of dogs were not specifically bred for aggression; although of course some were.
26 Dec 2003
Never heard of short men spontaneously trying to beat a taller person up.

I'm tall and for as long as I can remember I've noticed small men 'having a pop' out of nowhere to make themselves appear more alpha, it's especially prevalent when around attractive women. The small dog equivalent is probably barking like a maniac at something bigger.
18 Aug 2007
Dogs don't know how big or small they are.

The normal reason for aggressive little dogs is that the owners molly coddle them because they are small and cute and wont punish them because its ok he's only playing.

Seen it many many times.


I used to work on a yard and the bosses Jack Russell would fight with the lorries (yes, lorries) delivering aggregate. When deliveries would roll up to the gates at the top of the yard, the dog would take off to meet it and latch onto the front bumper. He'd hang there all the way over the complex and when the lorry would stop to dump it's load, he'd drop down, have a barking fit and as soon as the lorry was moving off again, he'd latch on it all the way up to the gates and saw it off.

Possibly the angriest little dog I have ever known.

Awesome haha. :D Reminds me of our 9 year old working Sealyham/Russell bitch Gypsy. She's a dear around the house, loves babies etc; but as soon as something's on 'her' territory, near anything she owns (which is basically everything) or she has food.... different story. She's only 12lbs wet through lol
9 Dec 2007
you might get licked to death by my standard dachshund. she normally pee's everywhere if someone come close as she loves everyone.

the MIL has a mini dach, she LOVES everyone. pees too like yours.

I used to work on a yard and the bosses Jack Russell would fight with the lorries (yes, lorries) delivering aggregate. When deliveries would roll up to the gates at the top of the yard, the dog would take off to meet it and latch onto the front bumper. He'd hang there all the way over the complex and when the lorry would stop to dump it's load, he'd drop down, have a barking fit and as soon as the lorry was moving off again, he'd latch on it all the way up to the gates and saw it off.

Possibly the angriest little dog I have ever known.

dont start me on JRs/terriers. nasty little ****ers.
25 Nov 2009
My neighbours have a pair of right **** head dogs I know it's not entirely the dogs fault, the owner is mainly to blame IMO but if I was to shoot the pair of them (they have 2 jack russells) Is that allowed?

They come charging out through the catflap at all of hours be it mid night, 4 AM whatever... We've spoken to them, that's gotten us nowhere...

Should I buy a .177 or .22
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