
17 Jan 2017
cant believe there isnt a thread for this:

New E3 Gameplay video up

really looking forward to this, I hope they pull it off. Love the design - at 5:00 ish in the video you can see a face made out of the twigs, the level design is proper weird - cant wait to experience it in VR
Seen a few videos of that, god knows what sort of mind came up with the stuff I saw in the videos ! I think someone may need therapy or something !
Seen a few videos of that, god knows what sort of mind came up with the stuff I saw in the videos ! I think someone may need therapy or something !

its the first game that actually looks like the depictions of hell I like, such as the ones in Neil Gaimans 'sandman', 'lucifer', 'hellblazer' et al
Seems like a lot of style over substance (where's the game?), but I admire it's full-on depiction of a classical Dante's hell. It's certainly the first time I can remember a game using the C-word!
Interview with the devs, relaese date is 30th March.

The game was initially scheduled to launch in Q2 2017. What prompted you to delay the launch for a full year? Did the game get any bigger in the meantime or was it just a matter of polish?

At first, Agony was planned as a short, scripted journey through hell. Thanks to the support of our fans and investor, we’ve managed to extend the original concept and make the game much bigger and complex. We’ve added more demons to control, more optional areas, puzzles, and enemies.
Thanks to Kickstarter, we’ve even added boss fights to the game, and have further achievement – a physical version of Agony.
So looking forward to this. Always enjoyed the rare visions of hell I've come across. The best has to be the Infernal series books by Edward Lee - if you like reading horror fiction then I can't recommend these books enough although they are really hardcore compared to mainstream horror such as Stephen King. The titles of the books for anyone who may be interested are; House Infernal, City Infernal, Infernal Angel and Lucifers's Lottery.
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