
Pre-ordered this last night on CDKeys for £16.99.

I don’t understand, at all, why people pay for unreleased games that haven’t been reviewed yet, sorry mate. Can I ask what motivates you to do so?

Got my key for this today but noticed there is a major fallout over the censorship issue. Apparently the developers had to cut some parts to avoid an Adult Only rating

This is one of the many examples of why I would never pre-order a game, especially in the world of digital delivery.
Hey just seen your comments. No offence taken mate. My motivations for pre-ordering any game, is that based on what I know of the game so far, I really want to play it as soon as possible. However, I almost never spend more than £30 on a game and CDKeys has consistently allowed me to buy pre-order games that would usually cost £40 or more for around £27. Most recently I did this with Resident Evil 7, The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein 2 (these I consider to be 'safe' pre-orders as I'm such a big fan of each franchise the games would have to be complete stinkers for me not to enjoy them) and almost always, even on CDKeys, the price jumps up to close to full release price once the game is released and then it can take a number of months before the price reduces down to match or better the £27 I paid to pre-order. Obviously Agony has been an exception in terms of the price reducing further although it has never been higher on CDKeys than £16.99. All that aside, my particular motivations for Agony was that I've been excited by what I had read and the footage I had seen of the game for a long time. I'm a huge fan of the horror genre and one of my best experiences in horror were the 'Infernal' series of books written by Edward Lee, his style of writing is very hardcore and up until 10 years ago, too much for main stream publishers to entertain. Anyway, this Infernal series of books are all set in the author's vision of hell which was such an amazing trip and experience to read through so the idea of a game potentially providing a similar experience is what really sold the game to me and made it a must play. I'm only 2 hours in to the game and have not been disappointed with it so far - I'm looking for an immersive trip through hell as apposed to a brilliant game set in hell so my expectations are probably a bit lower then most peoples. I don't think we know for sure it's a bad game though do we - I haven't seen any full reviews of people who have played it right through yet? Not that I place a lot of stock on reviewers opinions anyway. Most of the noise is coming from the censorship issue and a bit of botched launch to the Kickstarter backers - I think the game is more a victim of not meeting expectations that were likely unrealistic in the first instance in terms of the content they tried to include.

To summarise why I occasionally pre-order games then: See a game coming out that's part of franchise I'm a fan of or there is something in particular that makes me really want to play it - I'm not going to pay full price for it but I don't want to wait 3-6 months for the price to come down - pre-order if from CDkeys so I can get the game on day one for a price I'm prepared to pay.
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Thanks for posting mate. It’s an interesting take; and I suppose if you don’t want to wait and you’re careful with selecting games with decent early pricing, and ones you’re confident you’ll enjoy, then good for you.

I suppose I’m a victim of an alternate view point; I like buying games when they’re at the best price possible. Unfortunately, I’m addicted to game bargains. I’ve got some cracking games I can’t wait to play, but I’m always picking up more!

Th most I’ve paid for a newer games is AC: Origins, at £30. It was the deluxe gold edition (or whatever it’s called) and I haven’t seen a better price yet.

Thanks for clearing that up and being chill about it, it’s not something I would personally do but at least I get why people do it :)
Thanks for posting mate. It’s an interesting take; and I suppose if you don’t want to wait and you’re careful with selecting games with decent early pricing, and ones you’re confident you’ll enjoy, then good for you.

I suppose I’m a victim of an alternate view point; I like buying games when they’re at the best price possible. Unfortunately, I’m addicted to game bargains. I’ve got some cracking games I can’t wait to play, but I’m always picking up more!

Th most I’ve paid for a newer games is AC: Origins, at £30. It was the deluxe gold edition (or whatever it’s called) and I haven’t seen a better price yet.

Thanks for clearing that up and being chill about it, it’s not something I would personally do but at least I get why people do it :)
No problem. I'm much the same as you mate, I actually rarely spend more than £10 on game, am a sucker for bundles and when I dumped all my purchase histories in to a spreadsheet recently it worked out that on average I've paid £6 per game. It's turned in to a major addiction for me too; at the start of 2016 I had 90 games in my Steam library, now I've got 550! Plus 60 odd on GOG, plus Origin Access and whatever else. More games than I'll likely ever have time to play but as you summarised well above, every now and again I'll treat myself to a game I really fancy and pre-ordering from CDKeys has allowed to still get it early for a relative bargain.

Still hope.
Good news although I don't fancy buying it again. I suppose it depands how big of a difference it is although, GOG have provided games for free before if you already owned the Steam version - they did this quite recently with the Amnesia games...

If you already own it and if this version is released, there is nothing stopping you from copying the files from the uncensored game into your Steam version if you okay at finding the source for that.
Looks awful now with the censorship compared to the earlier videos. There is a lot more removed than the 20 seconds from the ending that they claimed. they deserve all the negative reviews they are getting for lying to the fans IMO.

Also what is with all the neon purple lights? Doesn't fit at all with a hell setting and totally ruins the atmosphere for me. I won't be buying this I don't think, unless someone manages to mod it back to its original state. This is why I never preorder...
How does the uncensored version supposedly differ? It already looks pretty graphic from what I've seen.

You can find the video here that shows the deleted stuff, you have to scroll down to find the mirrors, since the youtube video got deleted.

Have you watched the movie Event Horizon? The deleted scenes and well the game reminds me of that.

Ah the graphics really that bad in this game? It's on UE4 and to be honest, it looks like Skyrim default graphics, it all kinda looks blockly to me.
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3.9GB patch out.

Patch Change Log

  • The Maze of Madness puzzle is optional now.
  • Amount of enemies in The Pit is reduced.
  • Amount of skulls needed to solve Ishtar's Room puzzle is reduced.
  • Small tweaks for Dark Forest enemies encounters.
  • Added Torch to Onoskelis Cave area.
  • Amount of enemies in the Fractal Forest is reduced.
  • Amount of enemies in the Mushroom Mind is reduced.
  • Problematic sigils in Ice Caves are changed into easier puzzles.
  • Added a checkpoint after the first scene in Chart Chase (You no longer need to rewatch the first scene)
  • Painting in Chart Chase area changed place, so it's more obvious where to look for it.
  • Ifrit soul apple is now gained faster, and puzzle in this area got streamlined.
  • Added a checkpoint in the last chapter just before meeting with the beast (you no longer need to walk long path again)
  • Changed difficulty options - Easy Possession is now activated on both difficulties, and Checkpoint Destruction is off in both as well.
  • Stamina got a big buff and a small rework while swimming.
The main change I've noticed is that they have significantly adjusted the gamma - the game isn't anywhere near as dark. Not sure if I prefer it that way or not. I'm loving the setting and the exploration but the gameplay itself is a bit frustrating - finding myself have to replay certain parts a lot trying to figure out how to proceed or avoid the demon thing that stalks you...
Spent another hour with the game tonight and it continues to frustrate. Again, I'm enjoying my trip through hell but the gameplay itself as actually spoiling it a bit - it never seems obvious what you need to do to progress and the demon that kills you seems to appear completely randomly, this in itself wouldn't be so bad however the mechanic is that once you are killed you have around 10 seconds to find another body to take over - sometimex there are no bodies near by though and controlling your floating soul isn't very responsive, especially when you are trying to navigate tight areas. I almost wish is was a pure walking simulator. I don't regret buying it as I absolutely had to try this game and couldn't have waited to play it but for anyone else who is curious or a fan of horror games, you might want to wait to pick this up once it drops below a tenner...
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