
i found a cool shop in Dun Laoghaire in Dublin run by some old codger and all he does are model kits.

I picked up a Revell 1:32 HE-111 Z, and the 1:48 dambuster commeration one with a Lancaster and Tornado in it.

Also got a BOB commeration one with 1:48 Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane.

Ah the smell of the glue and paint : ).
Wow, that's tiny! I was hopeing for something a little bigger to keep me busy for a month or so (obviously only a hour each night spent and each night spent letting everything dry properly).

Any rec's for that?

What level of difficulty would people recommend to someone who used to do a lot of airfixes, but hasnt in a long while.

I had not done them for years but once you start you get back into them quickly.

I just pick up what ever takes my fancy regardless of its difficulty.
but unless your willing to spend a bit more money on a kit of that scale the detail is just going to be missing. and if the detail IS there it will be far more complicated. it's a trade off

I don't tend to do it all in one go, which is why difficulty shouldn't be an issue (theoretically). As each night I will do bit by bit and take my time on it. Will shop around me thinks :D

Looking forward to this. Think we should try keep this thread alive so we can post up pics of our results hehe.

Used to enjoy this! in fact still have some somewhere that needs building :)

This and the Lego thread make me wish I was a kid again :o
I don't tend to do it all in one go, which is why difficulty shouldn't be an issue (theoretically). As each night I will do bit by bit and take my time on it. Will shop around me thinks :D

Looking forward to this. Think we should try keep this thread alive so we can post up pics of our results hehe.


go for the Bismark then (or similar) if you're going to take it slow and steady it wont be a problem, i find difficulty level on these kits is more an indication of patience needed, if you want to slap it together quick as possible and whack it on a shelf then don't bother with skill levels greater than 2/3 as they will take a full day or more if done properly and vice versa.
Has anyone on here done a 1:24 scale aircraft?
I was thinking I'd like to do a larger model, however would prefer a plane to a boat/ship.
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Can you get larger than 1:24 scale aircraft models?

probably but they'll be more specialist, you might need to combine parts from multiple vendors and scratch some of your own parts, but don't forget, by their nature 1/24 aircraft are going to be larger than 1/24 scale tanks, modern jets will be larger still. i think as i kid i had a couple of either 1:35 or 1:24 jets, F16 and so on and they felt very big back then (bearing in mind i was much smaller :p) but i'd still have trouble fitting more than about 2 on my windowsill at home comfortably.
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I have been getting back into it again. Used to do airfix but recently my Granddad has been taking me to modeling shows. He makes WW2 dioramas.

I would avoid airfix/revel look at dragon or tamiya.

I have got myself a Dragon sherman firefly and King tiger. 1:35 scale saving up for an airbrush kit before I build them, but the ones I have built where nice as the quality is a lot better so not as much fiddling
i used to know a guy who went through hobbies in phases, Models, Stamps etc. one year he was in a model-mood and he built a 1:32 F-14A... it was two feet long :D
I built a few Airfix models as a kid. I've still got the spitfire and Jaguar (both painted), and a F-16 (never got round to painting that). I've got a Sea Harrier and a F-15 somewhere that I never got round to building.

There was a guy doing a demo in Hobbycraft a couple of weeks ago, showing off his model planes, and the detail he put in the paintwork was awesome.

Currently having a Lego revival though, so they aren't going to get finished any time soon. :D
Biggest plane models I have build have been 1/32 all of which have been

I have built

Tamiya 1/32 F4
Tamiya 1/32 F14
Tamiya 1/350 Enterprise
Tamiya 1/350 New Jersey
Tamiya 1/16 King Tiger
Tamiya 1/48 Lancaster Dambuster version

currently building a Tamiya 1/32 Zero

Lying in my stash I have

Tamiya 1/32 F16
Academy 1/32 F18
Trumpeter 1/32 Su27 Flanker
Trumpeter 1/35 Hind M24
Hasegawa 1/350 Nagato Battleship with wooden deck and photo etch parts
Hasegawa 1/350 Akagi Carrier with wooden deck and photo etch parts
Italeri 1/35 P100 S-Boat with crew and photo etch parts.

The hasegawa kits will probably take me over a year to build each as they have well over 1000 bits (the Akagi probably 2000+)
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