Akasa A-62 AMD x6 *Zosma* build

zzzac what was wrong with the 19' alienware? was the LCD broken? just wondering as i'd pay for you to post it over to me as i could do with another screen and im n the process of fixing a 26' bravia now lol, and whats the full spec of the alienware base?

also i cant believe how much those cases go for tbh, ive heard so many time they have the airflow equal to that of a brick...

The 19" moniter is branded DGM
The lcd panel's broken (im pretty sure)
its completely white, i believe it was dropped, there are no obvious crack marks in the screen but there is also no obvious blown caps or components on the motherboard and inverter (haven't checked the solder joints yet though).
Its probably not worth having

THe alienware base is fairly low spec, infact it was only a case and a motherboard, The motherboard is a lga775 but a older one that can support the max processor of a p4 exetreem edition with some ddr2 and a pci-e gpu, the motherboard remains untested.
As for the case the story behind it is its already been sold, and was shipped to northern Ireland and the buyer didnt pick it up, probably because it was so badly packaged and there's plastic parts that have snapped left right and centre, so it was sent al the way back, and was car booted to me :)
The HP comp on the left. An S7300 or something like that isn't it? I have had 2 so far come from a workplace where they keep dying, both had bad caps in the PSU and on the m/b, is yours the same?

Good to see you've removed that tiny red fan lol.
The HP comp on the left. An S7300 or something like that isn't it? I have had 2 so far come from a workplace where they keep dying, both had bad caps in the PSU and on the m/b, is yours the same?

Nope, my Preserio s5500uk came from a building site and no one new who's it was, anyway because it was just left there my mums boyfriend took it back.
but other than a crammed windows installation its been fine, i did have a psu issue a while back so i got a quality one and replaced it

Good to see you've removed that tiny red fan lol.

Got some machines there bud, lol. That alien-ware case is huge!!
Thanks, the angle doesn't help but it does have feet nudging it up about 2 inches
THe alienware base is fairly low spec, infact it was only a case and a motherboard, The motherboard is a lga775 but a older one that can support the max processor of a p4 exetreem edition with some ddr2 and a pci-e gpu, the motherboard remains untested.
As for the case the story behind it is its already been sold, and was shipped to northern Ireland and the buyer didnt pick it up, probably because it was so badly packaged and there's plastic parts that have snapped left right and centre, so it was sent al the way back, and was car booted to me :)

It's in even worse condition than I thought it'd be, and is the ancient P4 version.
You'll make a huge profit of this one alright... :|
It's in even worse condition than I thought it'd be, and is the ancient P4 version.
You'll make a huge profit of this one alright... :|

the same version that sold on ebay for £80 +p&p the other day.
And from that photo you cant really tell the condition to be honest
ZZZZZACC have you thought about selling all those machines and parts (that work) and just have one semi good pc?
ZZZZZACC have you thought about selling all those machines and parts (that work) and just have one semi good pc?

Im advertising them later on today, i dont use them, ive only got them lined up on the desk using the crt to test them and do software installs so...
and the Compaq has already been sold, im yet to advertise the yellow pile of trash and my dell, and that alienware needs a lil more work and then i can sell that on as a case and motherboard
Well im interested in the case zacc, i'd be happy to have it off you for a reasonable price? Any idea when you'd be intereted in selling and for how much?

Its not in the best of condition, but theese cases do fetch a fair bit on the bay, id be happy to take £50 and will include a couple bit (the origanal motherboard (untested) and a 128mb gpu, but you would wither have to collect it or arragnge a courier yourself. and as i mentioned, its tatty almost everywhere with a couple of snapped bits of plastic (important stuff still intact)
But the way i worked on it would still need a project of restoration and such, still interested?
hmm, ill definatley think about it then, ive always wanted to own an alienware case, i dont care what anyone says lol for me they make to most beautiful cases! can you get some more pictures of it so i know exactly what im in for? and i wouldnt was the mobo or GPU as ive got a PC thats in need of a case swap, and they're untested and considering the condition of the case i wouldnt wanna risk pluggin my PSU into them ;)
hmm, ill definatley think about it then, ive always wanted to own an alienware case, i dont care what anyone says lol for me they make to most beautiful cases! can you get some more pictures of it so i know exactly what im in for? and i wouldnt was the mobo or GPU as ive got a PC thats in need of a case swap, and they're untested and considering the condition of the case i wouldnt wanna risk pluggin my PSU into them ;)

okay, without the hardware would you say roughly £40?
and first i may try getting roughly £60
But i wanr you, the condition is very bad
okay, without the hardware would you say roughly £40?
and first i may try getting roughly £60
But i wanr you, the condition is very bad

alright then hahaa ill have my PPG and transactions set up in a few days (waiting on the Paypal deposit) and then if i can see some pictures ill decide :P, otherwise ill have to throw the money away on a bigfoot killer lol,
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