AKG K7XX - Massdrop

25 Jul 2012
Ankh Morpork
Massdrop have done a deal with AKG to produce a limited run of 6000 pairs of a new model called the AKG K7XX.

Details are sketchy but they are rumoured to be based on the 65th Anniversary model with closely matched drivers, no headband bumps, an all black finish and a sale price of just $200. :eek:

The first drop is going to be 2000 units and is scheduled to start in the next week.

There's a thread about them including a mini-review on Head-fi...

If only I hadn't just bought a new microwave/oven, Civ: BE and Dragon Age: Inquisition. :D

Oh well, maybe I'll catch one of the later drops.
After VAT and RM charges you're looking at £160.

These could be based on any cheapo AKG, need close inspection before it catches my interest.

So, how about the sound? AKG has definitely tweaked these compared to the old stuff. There's mention of a 3dB bass increase which is easily noticeable and welcome. There's talk of precisely matched drivers.

I'm told it's based on the 65th Anniversary model

His source is the Hi-Fi buyer for Massdrop.
If I wasn't currently spent out I'd definitely be getting a pair of these. They even have the memory foam pads, so really are a pair of 65th Annies for just $200 - audio bargain of the year.
the early buyers were ok and they were shipped by Massdrop - it was after that that AKG changed the rules to make it US only.
One of the members on Head-Fi has offered to act as a forwarding service for the Massdrop K7XX from overseas. He will either send the box on to you, factory sealed or check the headphones for rattles or any other imperfections and also act as an intermediary to get them changed if they do prove to be faulty.

You can either pay him the cost of the headphones plus international postage or just pay him the postage and he'll give you his address to use when ordering.

Jeez, I just bought a pair of Rock Jaw "Alpha Genus" IEMs for the same price you're being charged for customs - glad I never bought into the whole Massdrop thing, which is quite ironic as I started the thread :D
I've had this mod on my K702s for a long time and couldn't be happier with the result. The K702 has a huge sound stage so losing a bit wasn't a problem because it's still huge now. I found the highs were hardly affected and the mids not at all but the bass really came to life. I also use some equalisation for music, using MusicBee's 10 band equaliser to boost the 30Hz region by 3db, smoothly curving down to 0db at 125Hz and roll off the highs from 0db at 2kHz to -6db at 16kHz. Result is powerful, punchy bass with a real growl to it, smooth, natural sounding mids and detailed, crisp highs with no hint of sibilance. I can listen to these for hours and hours and they get 50/50 usage with my HD650s - when I'm not using my Rock Jaw Alfa Genus IEMs that is.
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