Alan Wake 2

The game is gorgeous, even on lower settings. Runs well on my RX 6800. Can do 60 fps at 4K with FSR2 Performance (but mix of settings levels) or just max it out with Ultra Performance. Ofc, no RT, tested it for a bit but seemed somewhat borked for me (didn't get the driver for AW2 though). The atmosphere is on point but not really my thing, and unfortunately as I suspected there's not much of an actual game to it. More of an experience (or walking simulator, if I were less charitable), which is fine.

Not sure I'd necessarily recommend playing it, let alone upgrading for it.
As long as it has the atmosphere I will be happy, the thing I most loved about Alan Wake 1 was that it was the closest thing I had experienced to being in a Stephen King novel. So if it encapsulates that again, that will do me nicely :)
Maintaining 60fps in 1440, DLSS on quality , all settings on High, motion blur and film grain off of course. Frame Generation on, raytracing on medium. That'll do.
Yeh, from what I've seen, I think Control is a superior game, in terms of gameplay.
I like them all, Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2 are somewhat of a different genre to Control though, the two AW games are more of the Adventure game genre whereas Control is much closer to an Action game. All 3 are great though imo
I watched a review and I still don't really understand what this game is.
Best way to think of it, is (much the same as Alan Wake 1) that its a linear story based game, like something akin to playing a Stephen King novel or an episode of the X-Files. Its much more in line with old school adventure games , which admittedly is a genre that you dont see much of these days. Think more Disco Elysium than Wolfenstein :)
Sure maybe there is some issue somewhere, although this guy is doing some testing and he is getting low fps too with 4090.

Yeah but if you look he is at 4K with Quality DLSS, you can see at 35:08 that he is at 3840x2160, so wouldnt surprise me that he is getting fps in the 40s. You're at 1440p on a 4090, you should be getting way more than 50fps, as I say, I get more than that with my 4070 and RT on and most of the other settings on High
I installed new drivers last night, but I have just re-downloaded the drivers again manually this time, installed and now I am getting 3 times as many FPS, over 120FPS with 4090 on quality so all good now. Was kinda going crazy getting such low fps, was ready to press that refund button. I don't remember having such an issue before, ever.
Huzzah ! Felt that there hadnt to be something wonky there, glad you found the cause !
It's probably an age thing with Mac, and I can easily relate to that as I'm an 'older' gamer.
I dont know, I mean I am considerably older than Mack and have been playing games for considerably longer than him too, yet I'm not as bitter and twisted as he seems to be about 90% of games, he should probably get out more :D
I do find it odd that they changed Saga from Quantum Break - I mean, I get it - diversity and all that - but if you wanted a POC FBI agent why not just call her something else rather than use the name of an already existing character in the Remedy-verse?

Tbh, she was in quantum break so briefly that I had totally forgotten that they were even the same person.
And at the same time they couldn't make some balloons round or glass or a window to properly break... Speaking of which, you can't shoot a lock off, you need a screwdriver! (lol). You can't go through the window, although you could fit, nope, the glass doesn't even break when you shoot it!

Bummer. I've set the difficulty to "Story", no point having some artificial limit to ammo and guns. As I play more, the shortcomings are becoming more visible.
I think you have to look at it as an Adventure game, like the adventure games of old, hence the limitations on what you can do. Think of your normal horror film where you watch it and think why dont you just smash the window and escape the haunted house that way, or ..dont go into the cellar alone or the normal action film where you see the protagonist kill a bad guy and you think why arent you picking up the assault rifle that the bad guy just dropped. If you remember the adventure games of yesteryear thats what Alan Wake 2 is really, its a hark back to those adventure games. The old point and click ones, its just in 3d :)
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