
heheheheheehehe im a totally awesome drunk and become the life of the party :D

i dont get aggressive but i do seem to find stealing quite funny when drunk, i found 3 juggling balls in the back pocket of the trousers i was wearing on saturday... ok so i got drunk in my own house and the juggling balls our my housemates but it still counts ;)

Most things get better when drunk, i loose pretty much all my inhibitions and can do things i would never dream of doing sober, which for someone that is usually quite shy is a good thing

saying this i might try and cut back a bit though as it does waste my sundays

oh and tesco's sell a medium bottle of vodka for about £6 + coke = getting drunk multiple time with change for under £7

eeek let me call my bank in the caymans before i think about that one :)
Phantom said:
negatives far outweigh the positives youve mentioned below

you put a high strain on your internal organs having to break down and process the alcohol.. theyre not perfect, indestructable machines and they do get damaged when you consume a lot over a long period of time... its not a "maybe" - look at some medical studies for inequivical proof. this isnt like you "may" get cancer from smoking... but you WILL prevent your body from maximising its ability to absorb oxygen by filling your lungs with smoke..

I'm sorry, but stating that you WILL have problems with your kidney and liver if you drink heavily is just factually wrong. I don't disagree that it drastically raises the chances, but using emotive talk and disputing facts is just not on. The only guarantee in life is death, and nothing else.

you may not regret them but why do you need to get drunk in the first place?

I didn't need to, I wanted to. I fail to see the issue. Again, your emotive argument was distorting the truth. Getting drunk doesn't mean you'll regret things later.

is this something youve heard someone who heard it from someone else say? if so, its only partly right... its specifically red wine and you have to drink it in small quantities over a week iirc.

"The alcohol-related benefits seem to come from flavanoids/anti-oxidants. A number of foods provide these." - taken from Alcohol/1d1.htm

you can reduce the chances of heart attacks, blood pressure by exercising and eating healthily. you actually negate the "good effect" you get from your drink if you consume over the suggested amount. NB. the suggested amount is even less than the youre allowed to drink and drive i.e. you can drink every day and be below the limit but youve then gone beyond the point where its beneficial.

Firstly, I said in moderate quantities, why do you feel the need to talk about excessive consumption? The weekly recommend limits of alcohol if stuck to (i.e roughly glass and a half of wine for men a day or a glass for women) gives beneficial results.

Please note, what I'm trying to get across here is not that you should go out and drink all the time. I merely wish to point out that you seem to only be looking at the extreme negative side of alcohol drinking which is hardly fair.
Phantom said:
alcohol is classified as a depressent so isnt the best thing to be drinking in that condition...

No but then nor is sitting about the house moping necessarily.

Why such a negative attitude to drinking? It isn't always the best thing in the world to do but it can be a lot of fun, encourage social cohesion, limit inhibitions(not remove them altogether as people if strongly opposed to something will not do it regardless) and is an easy way for a lot of people to relax. Sure there are always going to be people who take it to excess but you can say that for pretty much any situation in life, some people have obsessive personalities which is the problem, not the substance or activity in question.
Pudney@work said:
Firstly, I said in moderate quantities, why do you feel the need to talk about excessive consumption? The weekly recommend limits of alcohol if stuck to (i.e roughly glass and a half of wine for men a day or a glass for women) gives beneficial results.

those who drink - who actually drinks that little a week? chances are very few if not non at all. Its actually recommended that if you do drink that you set aside a 2-3 days of not drinking at all..

Pudney@work said:
Please note, what I'm trying to get across here is not that you should go out and drink all the time. I merely wish to point out that you seem to only be looking at the extreme negative side of alcohol drinking which is hardly fair.

taken from the BBC site, i mentioned above:
Alcohol has been linked to a wide range of illnesses, such as the increased risk of mouth, pharyngeal and oesophageal cancers (this risk being greatly increased if combined with smoking). Furthermore, alcohol probably increases the risk of colorectal and breast cancer.

And the list doesn't stop there: high blood pressure, gastrointestinal complications, such as gastritis, ulcers, and liver disease, and the depletion of certain vitamins and minerals can all be caused by alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption can also have detrimental social and psychological consequences.

so... in small amounts its thought to decrease blood pressure inlarger amounts it increases it.

you wondered why i was concentrate on the negatives? the positives are based on people sticking to the recommended amount you should drink but how many people actually do? most drink excessively without knowing it. it may be the recommended amount but thats not to say you have to drink!
semi-pro waster said:
limit inhibitions(not remove them altogether as people if strongly opposed to something will not do it regardless) and is an easy way for a lot of people to relax.

not true. isnt there a law going through at the moment because women cry rape the morning after because of a heavy night drinking and a guy has:
- taken advantage of her drunken state
- been told yes by her and she just cant remember

easy way to relax? maybe... but it doesnt mean its good for you
Phantom said:
not true. isnt there a law going through at the moment because women cry rape the morning after because of a heavy night drinking and a guy has:
- taken advantage of her drunken state
- been told yes by her and she just cant remember

It isn't a law, it is a campaign to say that if no active consent(actively saying yes although how you define this is quite beyond me) then guys are to take it as a no. I don't disagree that it is a stupid(and sexist) campaign but it is not law and the reasoning behind it may be laudable but it is poorly executed and poorly thought out.

It is true that if you are strongly against something you will not do it based on the lowering of inhibitions, it is much the same as hypnosis in this regard if it goes strongly against your moral convictions then you simply will not do it.
Phantom said:
those who drink - who actually drinks that little a week? chances are very few if not non at all. Its actually recommended that if you do drink that you set aside a 2-3 days of not drinking at all..

That's pretty much how I drink. That's pretty much how most of my friends drink (though not all). In fact I know more people who drink comparable to the recommended levels than not.

you wondered why i was concentrate on the negatives? the positives are based on people sticking to the recommended amount you should drink but how many people actually do? most drink excessively without knowing it. it may be the recommended amount but thats not to say you have to drink!

No you don't have to drink, but then again why shouldn't I? if you wish not to then it's fine, feel free. If I wish to drink why should you attack me for my choices? As I've said, you've looked at the extreme negatives, none of which have had any bearing on me so far, so what basis do you have for it?
Phantom said:
why?! i dont understand it - its not a clever thing to do and has so many disadvanges/problems associated with doing it...
- you'll get addicted if done over a long period of time
- it'll damage your internal organs over time
- it doesnt solve your problems.. it may make you forget but they'll still be there in the morning along with the hangover
- £££!

Maybe it's not clear to you but you can have a few drinks and not get drunk.
Pudney@work said:
I'm sorry, but stating that you WILL have problems with your kidney and liver if you drink heavily is just factually wrong. I don't disagree that it drastically raises the chances, but using emotive talk and disputing facts is just not on. The only guarantee in life is death, and nothing else.

Just curious but would you use that same argument if we were talking about smoking here?

Note: I actually agree with your point. I am just disturbed by the number of people who can quite happily use this argument as a "pro-drinking" statement yet completely dismiss it when applied to smoking.
What are peoples thoughts about students drinking?

I'm in my third year at uni, and just realising how pathetic some people are!

I had two years of drinking a lot (not excessivly (well yes in my first year!)), now after loving the hard work i face in my third year i get no time to go out at all.

Social life has taken one hell of a dive! But it kind of makes you mad that peoples friendships are so dependent on the fact of "going out" and the ammount you drink.

But i found its best to tackle your problems head on, drinking is for weaklings (in that point of view).

But when i hand in a big assignment after working my butt off, i love to just let go and drink (with a good bunch of mates).

Or a good weekend with my gf (much better than drinking imo).
If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it. I won't criticise you for not wanting to. So don't criticise me because I do want to.

Negatives outweight the positives? Not for me they don't. Feeling a bit rough in the morning I think is worth it for a good night out. I don't get violent when drunk (or any other time for that matter) and I avoid drinking so much I do something really stupid and not remember it in the morning. A few times I have gone too far but everyone makes mistakes, not just people who drink.

You can't just say alcohol is bad, there's no point in drinking it. Just because there's no point in you drinking it, doesn't mean there's no point for everyone else. I don't smoke cannabis because I don't think it would really do anything for me. I don't care that other people like the effect it has. That's up to them.
matthew_o50 said:
I agree 100% with the original poster.

I don't drink, never have and never will. People always laugh at me about it in college but to be honest I see no point in spending a fortune on liquid, getting drunk, making a fool of yourself, waking up the next morning feeling like your going to die, peeing all that you drank out and finally not remembering much of what happened the previous night (in most cases). I think if you need alcohol to give you a good time then you have a serious problem. I understand the social side of things like being with friends in the pub, but you don't need alcohol to do that.

Alcohol is a big contributer to most of the things in our society that we frown at such as drink driving, violence, drug abuse and even distruction and pollution. I honestly think we'd be better off without it.
Wise words.
Alcohol is a big contributer to most of the things in our society that we frown at such as drink driving, violence, drug abuse and even distruction and pollution. I honestly think we'd be better off without it.

what a load of crap..... people dont have to drink if they dont want to. they choose to. there not forced into doing it.
pyro said:
Maybe it's not clear to you but you can have a few drinks and not get drunk.
Even after "a few" you're still on that drug though aren't you? It just depends on how affected you want to be by it.

I am also highly dubious that people drink alcohol for the taste alone. I realise there are a few who probably do like a fine wine etc but there's a difference between being able to stomach it to get drunk and genuinely enjoying the taste.
GordyR said:
Just curious but would you use that same argument if we were talking about smoking here?

Note: I actually agree with your point. I am just disturbed by the number of people who can quite happily use this argument as a "pro-drinking" statement yet completely dismiss it when applied to smoking.

Haha, in all honesty I'm not using it as a pro-drinking argument, it's an anti-emotive argument. I can't stand it when people try to play with your emotional responses when trying to get points across, as far as I'm concerned they should use reasoned, unbiased (as much as possible) and factual arguments. When I do come across emotive points I nearly always play Devil's Advocate, irrespective of my actual stance on the matter.
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