So you are saying that 8+8 (24 thread) Alder lake will sell below your given price range? Or is it above? If it's above, then let's hope that 8 big cores are Apple like performance
You don't need to be an expert to see how idiotic 11 gen is, or how stupidly confusing the whole Intel CPU line up is. Don't think for a second, that if it is Intel, they automatically know better. Usually they don't. They might have brilliant engineers, but they are run by short sighted managing morons. The amount of failed products (even the ones which were released) come out in past several years is a testament to that. Intel managing to concede performance crown, and be absolutely slaughtered by 10x smaller competitor, who they themselves were beating soundly just few years back, tells you that, us, keyboard warriors have a point and a reason to doubt the company.
This is crazy. You're just looking at it from your point of view. No-one is assuming they know better and anyway they are still making tons of cash, so who's right and who's wrong? Not sure about the failed products either?
You seem to be preoccupied with performance metrics of the stuff you're interested in, when Intel's only motivation in this particular arena is to make money out of selling silicon, same as AMD.
IMO Intel are just guilty of sitting on their laurels, but that's what all companies do when they get to the point where they become too big and comfortable. They become a cash cow, money is floating around internally and shareholders get used to solid returns, while the actual investment in engineering is eroded. It's like when accountants took over Mercedes and boost short term profit while churning out cars with dodgy electronics and eroding the value of the brand.
Putting all the emotive language to one side, you're right, that we all have reason to doubt them, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who's worked in a corporate environment and seen how the mentality and business drivers become prevalent and diminish the long term value of a company. It's got nothing to do with morons, it's to do with risk versus reward, at a personal and a company level.
Some people don't obsess over future proofing (which is a false construct) and getting x years of life out of their product. They also don't care about what's coming up next year. They will just buy whatever does the job, get the utility value from that product and move on with their life. That's why Intel (and AMD) will always sell cpus and motherboards, because there is a constant level of new demand.
I don't care either way, it could be AMD, Intel, TI, Cyrix, Motorolla, Zilog, Generic Chinese Company etc. etc. It's all just history repeating itself.