Alec Baldwin fatally shoots woman with prop gun on movie set

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
This is just outrageous. In an industry that self-governs in these situations, to then let the guy responsible off; someone needs a head wobble.
IIRC there are at least 5 other producers, not including executive, co and line.

Why would only one of the producers be prosecuted and not all the others?

A producer's role in a film is not usually in the running of the set, that is the director's job, rather the producer is involved in things like raising funding for the film and arranging distribution and some hiring decisions.

IIRC a producer can be working concurrently on a dozen or more projects, a director is on set all the time and actually running the show.
21 Jan 2010
IIRC there are at least 5 other producers, not including executive, co and line.

Why would only one of the producers be prosecuted and not all the others?

A producer's role in a film is not usually in the running of the set, that is the director's job, rather the producer is involved in things like raising funding for the film and arranging distribution and some hiring decisions.

IIRC a producer can be working concurrently on a dozen or more projects, a director is on set all the time and actually running the show.
Should be ultimate accountability though - and isn't the director normally part of the production company too? A lot of them are spun up and closed down after filming aren't they (with massive losses)?
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
In a way this wasn't a great result for Baldwin, much better that he had stood trial and been found not guilty. I assume now he'll be tied up in civil cases for ever and a day.

edit: doh!
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12 Jul 2007
The problem is, even if he had pulled the trigger, he did so on the premise the gun was declared safe for him to use. Is there anything that say Baldwin should not have pulled the trigger at all on that set?

Nope, and for context, my position has always been that, as part of the 3 person chain which ended with a persons death, he should stand trial.............. BUT if he had I think he'd have been found Not Guilty or, at absolute worst, got some form on minor misdemeanour if it had managed to get that far, for the reasons most in here point out.

In a way this wasn't a great result for Biden, much better that he had stood trial and been found not guilty. I assume now he'll be tied up in civil cases for ever and a day.

Errrrrrr :D

I agree however. Having the case dropped on a "technicality" (because the prosecution is dumb) isn't as good as being found Not Guilty.
30 Dec 2011
This is just outrageous. In an industry that self-governs in these situations, to then let the guy responsible off; someone needs a head wobble.

Because in this case there were multiple producers (there always is) and there was a gun handling policy in place. So the majority of the culpability lies with the person who ignored the policy.

I do think he should have stood trial and he did, unfortunately the prosecution were inept and he got off on a technicality. I also believe based on the available facts, that he would not have been convicted.
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17 Aug 2009
In a way this wasn't a great result for Baldwin, much better that he had stood trial and been found not guilty. I assume now he'll be tied up in civil cases for ever and a day.

edit: doh!

You can be found criminally innocent and still have a civil trial rummage through your pockets.
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