Is there a load of pedos out there using BigMac's as some sort of slang/code? Not that we know of, but there's masses of evidence of them using pizza if you bother to look, like Cheese Pizza are known code words.
Ok so tell me this. If it's all nonsense (it isn't) why was the the crackdown on it was impressively swift and strong? It was immediate. One day pizzagate was this huge smoking gun and the next day everyone was saying it was debunked. There was never any proof it was debunked... It was some websites claiming it was debunked just because it was so crazy and the Clintons would never be involved in a satanic pedophilia-practicing pizza parlour, you sillies. Then it kind of went away. To me that just confirmed there was obviously something to it.
Want to know something else?
Remember the armed gunman that went into comet, and went to "investigate"? The street cameras that were always pointing at the intersection, were moved two days prior so Comet didn't show. Pictures were uploaded to 4chan before the "shooting". The cameras were moved right back after. Comet never pressed charges; who doesn't press charges on someone that doesn't shoot up your place? The magic bullet managed to penetrate a wall to a locked room, and travelled 90 degrees down into the PC. The owner then proudly displayed his "destroyed" PC for the media.
There was a hacker that managed to access a hidden passworded website full of passworded ZIP's on comet's server.
Pizzagate is without question one of the most compelling and evidence supported conspiracy theories ever proposed