I wouldn't say so.based
I wouldn't say so.based
Did you... ya know.... need a tissue?Good watch
Good watch
But did you waste 90 mins of your life?If the alternative is being forced to watch animals being tortured maybe. Two professional liars and spreaders of disinformation who care not what affect their lies have, they want that affect on society. Both are a threat to democracy and apologists for the likes of Putin. **** them.
But did you waste 90 mins of your life?
If the alternative is being forced to watch animals being tortured maybe. Two professional liars and spreaders of disinformation who care not what affect their lies have, they want that affect on society. Both are a threat to democracy and apologists for the likes of Putin. **** them.
The opposite of Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson takes are the likes of BBC and Sky News narratives.
BBC's guidelines on reporting news is all here.
siryeuropa you are too far gone.
Just the other week BBC included a crisis actor in a segment on their Israel Palestine footage.
I can understand not liking someone or the opinions they say. But it is going over the top to be saying it's a threat to democracy.
It starts society down the path of political correctness.
The very phrase politically correct came from Russia were people self censured themselves to give a politically correct opinion in public i.e. the approved view rather than their true opinions.
Unless people want to repeat the history of authoritarian countries then opinions we don't like are always going to be said. The question is do we want them out in the open were they can be countered and managed or shall we close our eyes to those conversations still happening?
You think convincing a significant % of the population that their vote doesn't count, that no matter who they vote for the election process is corrupt and their candidate can't win because the election is rigged isn't dangerous to democracy?
Did CNN not also do that for 2 years with the fake Russia gate news story, and by claiming Trump was involved in some how hacking the election? A lot people didn't (and still don't) view Donald Trump as a legitimate President because of them running that news story for several years, it likely affected the outcome of the next election, but that's okay. When citizens are falsely told by a large media outlet for several years that their President has been in collusion with a hostile foreign state, is that not a danger to Democracy?
Did CNN not also do that for 2 years with the fake Russia gate news story, and by claiming Trump was involved in some how hacking the election? A lot people didn't (and still don't) view Donald Trump as a legitimate President because of them running that news story for several years, it likely affected the outcome of the next election, but that's okay. When citizens are falsely told by a large media outlet for several years that their President has been in collusion with a hostile foreign state, is that not a danger to Democracy?
Trump and his administration definitely had links to Russia.
Russia has been trying to destable democratic nations.
Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia
Does that mean that Trump hacked elections, no.
Does it mean he was likely influenced by Russia, well...
The irony is that Republicans did get found trying to rig votes didn't they, or at least committing voter fraud?
You realise that there are legitimate links to Russia that aren't anything nefarious, right? People in business and politics deal with people of all nationalities and governments, someone from Russia speaking to someone from Trumps campaign could be about rigging the election, it's more likely to be about discussing Trumps policy towards Russia should he have won and what that might look like, forming working relationships. The problem is that for some reason you don't look at the most straight forward answer being the right one, you're looking at some how delegitimising Trump as a President. This is what the likes of CNN did to people, they are blatant propaganda, along with basically every US media outlet.
Nothing unique, the UK does it, China does, the US does it; it's unfortunately how international intelligence services work.
Germany arrests BND member on suspicion of spying for US
Media says alleged double agent may have been tasked with spying on committee investigating NSA's activities in Germanywww.theguardian.com
The US were caught spying on Germany, an ally lol. Russia isn't some special country doing bad things and we're the good guys, everyone pushes their own self interests.
You're saying "..." because there's supposed to be an inference, but there's no evidence of that. You are doing the thing that you accuse others of doing, delegitimising an election.
Did that affect more or less votes than the Hunter Biden story? I'm guessing far less.