Alien Isolation [Mother VR] is the best VR experience I've had and it's a free mod.

19 Aug 2020
Just here to share what an incredibly good experience I had playing Alien Isolation in VR.
The game is getting a little older now and was never a big hit, but is a cult classic with a well deserved fan base.
My housemate started borrowing a VR kit [Vive] from a friend in Dec 2019, and due to covid stuff we still have it. Having played a number of dedicated VR games, and games made with VR in mind I was not expecting to be so blown away by a mod.

I am using a controller instead of the wands as I prefer the controller but the functionality is there for full wand-play with aiming etc though weapons are used only a very small amount in the game as combat of any kind is best avoided.

I don't want to make this too long a post so;
Go check out Mother VR on Github if you have Alien Isolation.
Go play Alien Isolation if you haven't already.
I downloaded Alien Isolation through Epic a few weeks ago. Haven't dared try to play it yet. I really don't know, from what I hear, whether I'll dare play it at all in VR!

I'd recommend playing it on screen first.
My tips are:
- Keep moving, once you're hiding it's hard to overcome the fear of going back out.
- The alien has poor vision in the dark but has incredible hearing.
- be patient and cautious.

Once you've finished it I'd highly recommend trying motherVR. It's like playing an entirely new game.
I don't tend to enjoy horror type games so much, especially when I'm not able to defend myself! I've got the game from Epic, but don't know if I'll ever try it. Still really want to try Subnautica in VR, but right now just working slowly through Asgards Wrath is great fun, as always though, I need more room!

I'm a pretty **** poor shot, so I'm used to having to navigate my environment to win in games. This game requires you to outmaneuver people, androids and the alien consistently so it's perfect for me. I'd really recommend it but you have to play it with the mindset of avoidance>confrontation.
Bit of bad news. The Epic version doesn't work with the mod (well, so I read) as my son has that version.

Works fine with my Steam version
I've had nothing but issues with Epic.
Always keen on a diverse market but without an overlay and with all the other issues in their version of games its just not worth the hassle.
I played this back when I had a DK2.

The first time I was cowering in a locker, and the alien found me, ripped the door open and lunged at my face, I screamed like a girl and ripped the headset off, heart was racing, sweating.....

It was pretty cool....that lizard brain response it triggers is pretty wild...
lizard brain best brain
Yes the VR code was in the game, but it was in a bad state - it used deprecated oculus libraries for instance.
The mod's creator, Nibre, has gone into the binaries, without the source code, and made it work with modern hardware, and fixed up a lot of the issues, like monitors being too close to read comfortably, and even added partial motion controller support. It's an incredible achievement.

He might as well be described as a developer at this point. His work is incredibly impressive.
Had Alien Isolation in my Steam library so gave this a try last last night and it's really good. I prefer this over the 2d game. I stood in awe looking at the flames from burst gas pipe as looked so realistic. I think my brain was almost fooled to feel heat from flame. I also installed this file detailed here:

To my eye made graphics cleare/crisper but not 100 % sure. Anyone else tried and noticed difference?
I'll give this a look. Got a 980 so it might not be able to put up with the extra demand.
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