Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

5 Apr 2004
Update 2023: decided to bump this thread and share my insights after 17 years, see page 9, post ~168:

Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video **Updated - 20:30 16/12/06 +new video**

Does anyone else remember reading that BBC article back in May 2006 which said UFOs can all be explained by natural phenomena? Well I've unsurprisingly discovered loads of videos on Google Video and YouTube which show UFOs and many of them aren't convincing. But in the process of viewing them I found several videos which are extremely convincing so now I actually believe that aliens exist and that the US military industrial complex is covering it up.

I remember a few weeks back some guy posting about ufos or aliens - I don't quite remember - and being ridiculed on these boards for what he thought. So I'm posting the links to these videos so people can see for themselves and make up their own minds.

I'll rate all the videos and give a very brief summary. The videos are quite long and perhaps many of you have watched some of them already - I don't know. Therefore, I just want to say to anyone reading this post that if this thread gets a lot of attention I fully expect the majority of the initial responses to be uninformed to say the least. Anyway...

Compilation of UFOs and Testimony - 23 May 2006 - (7/10) - This video [1hr 37 minutes] shows a history and a lot of UFO footage some of which may be fake and some which probably isn't. It has pretty dodgey music at times but the ending is really good with a nice overview of Roswell and some credible people talking about their experiences.

CSETI - Disclosure Project Introduction (10/10) - This video [15 minutes] is quite old but a really good introduction to the Disclosure Project which held a press conference in 2001. It's also shorter than most of these videos so would be a good place to start unless you want to see loads of UFOs caught on camera - in which case my first video would be the place to start.

Disclosure Press Conference 2001 (10/10) - This video [2 hours] is the full press conference of the Disclosure Project where around 20 witnesses from the military etc. talk of their experience. Apparently it was later learned that the first hour of the live stream onto the internet was blocked by the NSA - this may or may not be true and isn't really important, what's important is the content.

Toronto exopolitics 09 May 2006 - (10/10) - This video [1 hr] is a nice 2006 update on the disclosure projects 2001 efforts. It also introduces a politician called Paul Hellyer who is a retired Canadian Defence Secretary. I advise that when watching this video you skip the parts with the bald guy who is directing the evening because he's incredibly annoying.

Paul Hellyer Interviewed 24th Feb 2006 (8/10) - This video [35 minutes] has a more in depth conversation with Paul Hellyer. He makes some good points about Roswell and the implications of the control freak military industrial complex which Eisenhower warned about and which apparently we live with. Again the women conducting the interview is very annoying so it's best to skip those parts and just listen to Hellyer speak.

NASA UFO's Part 1 - and commentary - Feb 2006 - (9/10) - This video [1hr 30min] is an interesting look at some very credible UFO footage from NASA video and satellites. It also has a guy explaining the videos which adds a nice depth to them. You'll notice this is part 1 but part 2 isn't really worth watching because it is far less objective and more speculative which as sceptics you might not be able to handle! But it doesn't detract from part 1 in my opinion which is excellent.

NASA UFOs STS-115 - 23-09-2006 (5/10) This video - [20 minutes] including funky music is quite poor in terms of proving the existence of UFOs. However, again it is NASA footage and just shows that stuff is still happening as it is only a few months old. It's possible to believe these objects are UFOs or are debris but either way it's comedy gold listening to the astronauts talk about it and the explanations about them being camera reflections being made up live!

None of these videos or my beliefs involves abductees. I'm only looking for answers from credible sources. I don't think everything I have posted is interpreted correctly but I think some of it is evidence of alien presence and that has implications for our immediate future. You might say that this stuff has been going on for decades so what's so special about the present. But the answer is that with the popularity of video websites such as Google Video and YouTube this sort of highly sensitive material is finally being watched by millions of people. I don't know if anything significant is going to happen in the next 5 years or 10 years but I'm still interested in the truth and that is why I'm sharing what I have found with you all.


EDIT (20:30 16/12/06): I've found the best video yet. If what is presented is true then this documentary by the reputable Discovery Channel leaves me in absolutely no doubt. I encourage everyone to watch at least this video.

Discovery Channel - Majestic 12 - (10/10)

EDIT 2: (08/01/2007)
Also this documentary made by the History Channel presents evidence from Black box recordings et al.
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edit: My original use of this space was to post another video but it was rubbish so I deleted it. Now I will use this space to respond to the post above.

I think that if we assume life evolves in other places in the universe then it's most logical to assume the stage of evolution of life distributed throughout the universe produces a normal distribution. A normal distribution is common for natural measurements such as height - there are some very small people, some very large but most fall between the 25th and 75th percentile.

So at the lower end will be planets or moons with single celled organisms and at the upper end - who knows! But considering my physics teacher said there's nothing special about our sun or our galaxy then to me it is most logical to assume there is nothing special about us. Therefore there is a high probability that we fall near the average of the distribution in my mind.
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Raikiri said:
Why does that remind me of the Father Ted sketch... Now concentrate this time, ritcH. These are very small; those are far away...

The tether cross-cuts the dust, therefore the dust is behind the tether and you can use the 12 mile long tether to calculate the diameter of the dust to be 2-3 miles long. You are the one that needs to concentrate so nerr nerr nee nerr nerr ;p

On SETI...

The latest info on SETI from Dr. Greer is that one of the top scientists there has received an intelligent single and Greer is in the process of trying to coax him out. Also I don't think SETI is government funded any longer and hasn't been for quite some time - although I haven't checked this out and could be wrong.
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I only deleted that because I thought it was too authoritarian to tell people what they can and can't debate. Not because I was being serious. :D

edit: just so this makes sense, I was telling people they shouldn't debate the feasibility of traveling light years because it's impossible to understand. Therefore I suggested we should stick to debating that which we do understand and can "see" on the videos - [sarcasm] human motivation and dust ;p [/sarcasm]
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So johnny do you therefore believe that it is possible that, the 0.1% which has mastered galactic travel could have visited Earth?
I like to think humans are in their teenage years right now. Some of us try to be ethical, compassionate and as inert as possible and some of us are disturbingly ignorant, short sighted and dangerous. We're all very confused and we're all susceptible to radical change; day-to-day.

I just hope that in my lifetime we become adults because I think I'm a mature teenager but I have very little choice on larger issues facing society, but I suppose that's the point - society isn't about the individual. Actually one of the reasons I like to believe aliens exist and visit Earth is because of the implications. They would have to be intellectually and technologically superior which means they would be far more capable than we are to destroy life. Therefore I think that if this is true, those same aliens must have, at some point in their history - when confined to their planet - successfully avoided self-destruction. At the moment, I personally think our little mess - little relative to the size of the universe - could result in destruction and as I wait for global politics to pan out into a model that is at least predictable all I can do is hope that the other, peaceful future, emerges.

But implications aside, the evidence clearly speaks for itself!
I found this interesting documentary screened originally on the discovery channel about the secret Majestic 12 group set up to research UFOs.

Discovery Channel - Majestic 12 - (10/10)

The discovery channel doesn't lie. The way I see it is that if we can conclude beyond reasonable doubt that they are here, which I believe we can, then the ‘argument of impossibility’ due to physics is clearly wrong.

edit: This video is the most convincing ever. I almost have no doubt.
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Another reason why I became interested in this question is because after I read that BBC article which concluded that UFOs are all natural phenomena I asked my parents if they believe in UFOs. They said they have seen one, in Wales when they were my age. When I visit my mum this Christmas she's going to show me the picture - can't wait! :D

The way I think about the evidence that exists for UFOs is by Newton's Law - every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. If the government (or aspects of) has perpetrated the greatest cover-up in history then the ufologist has created an orgy of evidence. Then I ask myself what is more likely; did the government and military lie and deceive the public or did many individuals invent all of the evidence and the stories in an often, semi-coordinated way? My problem is that I like to make decisions, I can't sit on the fence and ultimately I don't care if I'm wrong so long as I can justify my choice.

Therefore I choose to side with the ufologists because all it requires for them to be right is for a few seconds or minutes of their thousands of hours of evidence and for just one of their thousands of sources to be both real and interpreted correctly. Even looking at the videos I posted in the OP - only a single event of the thousands of events posted has to be accurate and UFOs exist and aliens visit Earth. Having watched them all I'm happy to make the decision, with the videos as my evidence, that "we're not alone". Always wanted to say that! But seriously, as crazy as that might sound can anyone who has watched all of those videos seriously say to me that all of the evidence they depict is either a hoax or an incorrectly interpreted event? Can you honestly say to me that you trust the military industrial complex over and above all of these people, most of them with credible careers behind them?

If you can then frankly I think it is you, not I, who is crazy! :D
I think the argument is that the governments who we elect aren’t in control of this issue. That's an amazing statement because it means democracy and accountability just doesn't exist on certain levels.

If we go back in time indeed, the government and press used to acknowledge their existence, but then in America in the 40's official denial became common. We can only speculate why this is the case but I think that following the world war and especially following the nuclear bombing of Japan, the US Airforce became obsessed with security of the air. They realised that - like they did - an enemy could fly in and destroy whole cities. Then when they realised they had no control of these UFOs, the felt their security slipping and not wanting to worry the public or admit incompetence they denied their existence.

Then along comes the coldwar and the CIA actually used the UFO phenomena to conceal the existence of black projects. They wanted the Russians to believe in UFOs before they believed in US surveillance aircraft such as the Blackbird.

Today, as I said, I think the reason why the government doesn't reveal their existence is because it is no longer in government hands. Eisenhower warned in his final speech that the military-industrial complex had the potential to become unaccountably powerful and today I believe they are. Today, the secret is maintained, in my opinion, because the military-industrial complex wants to maintain the power they have. This power allows them to quash any threats which emerge to their agenda, and it allows them to control the development of new technologies especially in the energy industry. I think today, we are past the stage of denial for national security reasons and we are in very dangerous times indeed. I think actually that many governments probably want to come clean, or at least want to know the truth e.g., Bill Clinton who according to Steven Greer was denied access to the truth.

I appreciate that you have followed this issue for over 25 years and seen little progress but I would argue we live in different times now. Only in the past year have "ordinary" users started to use the Internet for sharing video on a large scale. This alone has led to the situation where it is impossible to conceal the truth. No offence but these videos will be far more compelling to the general public than your own experiences, but that doesn't make what you saw any less valid. What these videos do is bring together a mass of evidence which consequently means that it is less likely that mistakes such as your helicopter example are a valid explanation. As I said all it takes is one event or story to be true.

I hope you’re wrong too. I hope that in the next 25 years the world will wake up to this reality. That's why I made this thread because I want to wake people up. It's hard to maintain your belief in a world that disagrees with you and I think that's what happened to you but I think in time your opinion is going to change again just as in the 1940's everyone believed in UFOs.
Yes but the argument, that therefore all UFOs that aren't natural phenomena must be secret military aircraft breaks down when the evidence is for flying craft that are totally silent and absolutely huge, or craft that move slowly (5-30mph) and then accelerate to immense speeds almost instantly, or credible witnesses who say UFOs disarmed nuclear weapons, or credible witnesses who say they’ve seen alien bodies and material, or videos from space showing objects with a diameter of 2-3 miles, or the Discovery Channel exposing top secret documents that, if real, confirm the US government believes UFOs are of interplanetary origin.

I mean... yes, not all UFOs are interpreted correctly and not all stories are believable. But some of them are and if in turn some of them are real then the debate is wide open once again and as I've said, I'm at the stage where I'm happy to take sides with the believers - even if some of them are clearly inbred and a bit weird ;p

edit: See this Discovery Channel - Huge Silent UFO observed by credible witnesses (9/10) - This video presents an objectively created animation of a UFO event from credible witnesses.
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I agree, nothing will prove that apart from having some alien making themselves publicly known. But we don't live in a world where proof is always available to make decisions; there will always be an aspect of judgment based on evidence. The evidence in this case is no single case; it is everything that I have presented in this discussion.

I believe a conclusion can be made and with confidence that aliens exist and that UFOs from other worlds exist. Whether they are all manned, who knows, I doubt it. But my point is that if this were a case and I was on the jury I would find it difficult to not come to the conclusion I have.
I don't think you're going to get a satisfactory explanation. Books have been written about the Roswell incident both for and against the popular explanation. One thing is for sure, anyone who says Roswell has been proven one way or another or anyone who claims to know exactly what happened was either there and saw it for themselves, or is mistaken.
I've started a new thread in speaker’s corner which has even better evidence in it.

Naffa that's just the latest official explanation and there are plenty of people who disagree as you can imagine. A nice bit of logic I like to apply is that which is used in most courts. If a witness has a history of lying, then extra ordinary measures must be taken to confirm the content of what they presently claim.

The official explanation has changed at least 3 times, they can't all be true therefore all that can be said is that lies have been told at some point by the government - the feds - whoever it is the dispenses this information. They could come out tomorrow and say aliens crashed in Roswell and half the people listening would say they are lying.

The best course of action is to move on, move onto newer evidence that hasn't been corrupted thus far. At this point, if anyone is still interested in the new and improved evidence and discussion I have two links.

1. This video is a History Channel documentary with compelling evidence for UFOs. Actually it's a compellation of 3 History channel documentaries but the first 45 minutes is the best... these documentaries should tip the opinion of even the ignorant denier and are recommended viewing for unconvinced skeptics! They present cases of UFOs which clearly demonstrate craft which manoeuvre with disregard for mechanical laws and which often demonstrate intelligence.


2. The new thread where this discussion is continuing in speaker’s corner.
dmpoole you should read this - it explains many of your posts! The question is do you know you're doing it?

I can consistently address all of the ill thought out issues you raise precisely because they ARE ill thought out... but you just come back with 10 more. You just wear me out. However, one last time...

500 different shapes huh? Can you even name 50 different shapes? No - I didn't think so, stop making up ridiculous unsubstantiated facts and pretending there is an ounce of truth to them. Quite frankly your "main problem" changes with every post, which pretty much makes what you say worthless.

Next... 1 in 200 people accurately report what they saw. Okay, to explain this one I'm going to draw your attention to a man called Dr. Richard Haines who in his own words (at 1:47:55 on this video) :

"[was] a NASA research scientist uhh.. since the mid 60's. I started my research in the area of visual perception and optics and lighting... and studying some problems for the uh... Gemini Program - a 2 man capsule program that was orbital. And during the ah... umm... early stages, of that research I had a laboratory, which would allow me to simulate the way things looked to the astronauts in outer space. And ahh... I could totally fool the observer. I could set up a situation that he or she could NOT accurately describe. The sh-shape and size and distance of targets would just be under my control. I could set up a triangular shaped target and what you would see was a circle. I could set up a rectangle - a 4 to 1 rectangle - and you would see a hotdog because of light scatter within the human eye.

Well I set out to disprove UFO ahh... as anything mystical or ahh... very, very strange because I was able to do this in the laboratory. I could ahh... allow you to misidentify something and so I set out to disprove the whole thing as a skeptic. Well it wasn't very long before I realised that, I was wrong, that in fact these objects are not misidentified natural phenomena. Some of them are - but not very many and one thing led to another and I was uhh... led into talking to pilots and I've been specialising in pilot sightings ever since."

humm.. who do I believe. The BBC world renowned expert investigators *cough* or a NASA scientist whose job it was to disprove UFOs as natural phenomena and tricks of the mind? Let me see...

Again the whole video is here for anyone who is interested.

In the future don't take my lack of response to dmpoole as him having a point. It's just that I no longer have the energy answer his pointless conjecture.
lol no proof?

Have you even read this thread?

I'm going to be quiet now. In a couple of months the French government will be releasing their UFO files. Then I'll resume my interest but until then it has been fun...
**update after 17 years**

It was really interesting to read this thread from 17 years ago, sort of like a time capsule :) And even better, I can bump and update what I’ve discovered because there was a lot of hope expressed that in the future (now) there would be greater clarity, and the good news, on a personal level, is, there is extreme clarity, which I’m happy to share with anyone reading this.

Compared to exchanges I sometimes have and read online today, I’m actually impressed by the quality of this thread. I guess now, the Internet is infested with bots and it’s hard to tell if you are talking to a real person, but back then it’s probably fair to think, most of the people in this thread were real and giving their honest opinions.

Obviously the evidence in the op, in the form of videos will no longer be available, however, I did figure out the alien / ufo issue as it has been an interest of mine for decades and I never stopped digging through every book and piece of evidence I could find.

My overall conclusion, all these years later is that UFOs are sometimes alien space craft, which are sometimes manned and sometimes unmanned. It turns out that ETs have been present in Earth orbit for millennia and today the space near our planet is crowded with their craft. Although the recent buzz about tic tac, which were videos made by the Navy around 20 years ago, despite being hearlded as the best evidence of ET presence are actually human made drones. So I’m not saying everything is alien, not even that which is widely considered the best evidence. Just like in the Cold War, when they are suggesting UFOs are ET spacecraft, they are covering up a black project, in those days Blackbird. Tic tac is actually a Raytheon made unmanned reconnaissance drone called Blackraven. They like their black prefix!

One way that my knowledge has developed is that I’m not so interested in UFOs, once I established some of them were alien, I wanted to know about the aliens of course, because that’s the really interesting question, to know something about their culture and in the process to learn more about humanity. One of the main highlights is that many ETs look human (many do not), and step down to the surface to live as humans, carry out their missions or simply go shopping for the day, because it’s easy enough to resupply from Earth’s surface for some things.

Before I present a list of updated evidence bear in mind, I’ve seen all the evidence that is publicly available over the past few decades, most of which isn’t available to view anymore. So the evidence I present now, has already been vetted through my personal filters, which have developed over the years due to everything I have learnt and all the criticism I have read. That said, I don’t expect anyone to believe any of the evidence I present, or agree with me, I’m just doing this for completion, to update the time capsule. It’s so refreshing to see this post still exists, if it makes it through this round (because censorship is greater online these days), then maybe I’ll update it again in another 20 years and we’ll see where we are again.

As for me, I wrote the op just after I completed my first degree; in the summer of 2006, with a degree in Psychology. Several months later I met the woman who today, is the mother of our 2 children. The year after I was a medical student and I have now been a doctor for 12 years. I specialise in anaesthetics, which I started in 2015. I’m writing all this because I just want the reader to know that I’m a grounded (family) and functional (tax payer) member of society, and this is my hobby. It’s not an addiction, as you can sense from my post count, I’m highly selective with my time.

And finally, I’ve already told you my conclusion, so some of what I’m going to share is very alien, to the point that it is understandably hard to believe. When I wrote the op, at the end of my science degree, I was a proud eliminative materialist, but this subject has totality reshaped my understanding of materialism. I now view the material world as something which can be explored and manipulated just as scientists and engineers do, but that exists because of something more fundamental, that being consciousness. And the more you learn about aliens, the better this point is understood. So from now on, what I share is going to seem especially weird to a group of, mostly guys, who like technology. I find this sort of group, just like my colleagues in anaesthetics are heavily materialistic. So prepare yourself, this is going to get really weird, however, if you think about it, it couldn’t really be any other way!

I’ll get started shortly, maybe today, maybe in the coming days, in the meantime feel free to post and show me what the views are, on this forum today, share the insights, and breadth of your own views. Sorry for any delay but the young children require a lot of my attention.
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