Almost bought a XB1 for GOW

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A answer would be nice:rolleyes:

Thanks for shopping at our store!
Order details

Email Address:

Date Tuesday Sep 15, 2015 21:07
Order ID: 146575

Items bought
Gears of War x 1 £11.33 GBP
Payment type: PayPal
Total £11.33 GBP
All prices are inclusive of applicable taxes and fees

Product Code for Gears of War
See attachment (Gears_of_War_cd_key.png)
This game uses the GFWL platform.
1. Download The Game
2. Install with password: h8thm8nhg4h6xwng583gzwbq357g4nf
3. Download and install the patch.


4. !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
How to install the patch:
Download it from the link above (gow_update).
Place the patch in the Binaries folder and execute to install (NOT in GOW_Installer folder!!!).
By default the Binaries folder is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Gears of war\Binaries\
Or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Gears of war\Binaries\
Play the game with launching startup.exe.
If you encounter an error while launching the game please delete "Gears of war for windows" folder
From your "Documents\My Games" folder.
5. Enjoy your game!

REVIEW A GAME: Did you know that you can collect 15 Gems by submitting a review for a game you've played?
Now you know, lets do it! :)
For assistance please visit our GFWL Activation Guide.

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our store - U.G.K. GAMES LTD. Kfar yona-IL, Post: 40300, Reg no: 515220267. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright ©2011-2014 our store All rights reserved.
Wtf you talking about, you nearly brought the xbox 1 version but got the PC version! :confused:

This thread has called for the ............


Why are people so touchy about misspellings on these forums instead of answering the question? Trying to get post counts up?!?!?! Get over it and move on.

Anyway, answer in the above as I had the same issue.
Why are people so touchy about misspellings on these forums instead of answering the question? Trying to get post counts up?!?!?! Get over it and move on.

Anyway, answer in the above as I had the same issue.

If the OP can't even be bothered to spend an extra 2 seconds to spell his request for help correctly, why should anyone be bothered to make the effort to answer?
If the OP can't even be bothered to spend an extra 2 seconds to spell his request for help correctly, why should anyone be bothered to make the effort to answer?

Because everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect.

People come here for help not to be mocked. Other places on the Internet for that or the playground.
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