Alphacool Apex Stealth - The new go to fan

He is showing arrogance, almost to a dictator level. The opinion of the public doesn’t matter. The flaws in his test doesn’t matter. His words are the only true.

Agreed mate, its horrible and there's no place for it in this industry.
Link to part two by any chance?
Edit: nvm both down I don't think it's worth watching. I'll just watch debaur

Seems he's gone and done a 180 on himself after saying, he'd welcome all the bashing and criticism in the comments section only to have taken it down now.
Wow what a crazy situation.
I cancelled my 4x preorder

I didn't preorder but i still love the look of these fans for my current build so i think i'll still get them.

I wonder if Alphacool will drop the prices over this drama?
If I was alphacool
I would be emailing every pre order person
I could find
And offering a generous discount
On their pre order
They need some good publicity on this

Still puzzles me though
Alphacool are obviously a company
With their own engineers
Surely they should know some of the figures
Just couldn't be correct
Yes metal frame and decoupling
May help with noise/vibration/resonance
But without something else
It's not going to produce revolutionary (another bad pun lol) figures

Let's face it
A vast majority of the pre orders
Will be based on the best fan there is marketing
With maybe small % on the aesthetics

It's a shame as it's not actually bad
From a performance point of view
And from aesthetics point of view it looks good
At least for the price you can feel as if you paid
For something that's not totally plastic
I doubt there will be a price reduction during the pre-order phase to which they are still in apparently. Although probably will be sene as a good will gesture, the thing is, if Alphacool do that, they can never bring the price back up. So given it's a damned if they do, damned if they don't, the likelihood is they'll keep the same price and stick to the idea that the price is the cost of materials, etc.

Although to be honest, given the amount of metallic material involved in the fan (not enough), I suspected that it wasn't going to do much to "absorb" the vibrations/noise/resonance from the fan. Especially since you can tighten a fan down tight to a hunk of metal (case) and it'll still cause those vibrations and noise/resonance. If it was all metal and heavy enough, it might prevent it's own vibrations from doing anything (when not connected to anything), but it'll still transfer through whatever they are touching if it's a strong enough fan (and there's a few of them running at the same time as well). And if it's not strong enough, then there's insufficient airflow to even considering getting over (existing and upcoming) rival products.
I doubt there will be a price reduction during the pre-order phase to which they are still in apparently. Although probably will be sene as a good will gesture, the thing is, if Alphacool do that, they can never bring the price back up. So given it's a damned if they do, damned if they don't, the likelihood is they'll keep the same price and stick to the idea that the price is the cost of materials, etc.

Although to be honest, given the amount of metallic material involved in the fan (not enough), I suspected that it wasn't going to do much to "absorb" the vibrations/noise/resonance from the fan. Especially since you can tighten a fan down tight to a hunk of metal (case) and it'll still cause those vibrations and noise/resonance. If it was all metal and heavy enough, it might prevent it's own vibrations from doing anything (when not connected to anything), but it'll still transfer through whatever they are touching if it's a strong enough fan (and there's a few of them running at the same time as well). And if it's not strong enough, then there's insufficient airflow to even considering getting over (existing and upcoming) rival products.

They may even delay the release and redesign some aspects of the fan before launch. There was mention of the fan blade design where the blades are connected at the ends usually causes more noise and we don't usually see such design on case/rad fans.
They may even delay the release and redesign some aspects of the fan before launch. There was mention of the fan blade design where the blades are connected at the ends usually causes more noise and we don't usually see such design on case/rad fans.
This will probably be the best route forward for them, but they really need to make some actual tangible improvements, otherwise, it's just wasted redesign time and costs. Just not entirely certain they can get further improvements unless if the entire design is overhauled.
That statement was Like listening to a politician
Talked for so long
You begin to forget what was originally asked

Yeah it was a little rambly, took me a few goes to really get what he was trying to say.

Had no idea Pascal had a job lined up with Alphacool as well. Wonder what this means for him after his probation period ends.

Just think his attitude in his last 2 videos was uncalled for, he really should have just held his hand up and said look, i messed up and should have double checked.
Didn't have to end the way it did tbh.
Increasing mass to reduce vibration is nothing new for people who mess about car audio. SilentCoat, I even used to stop vibration of a thin canopy where the weights of a multi exercise gym equipment run (the tower, if that makes sense). Done the same for some thin case panel. Thick panels like the Corsair 7000d won’t vibrate even if an old diesel engine is fitted inside the case. ;)
I agree with @Jay85 , some people may buy if for the design, the perceived quality from a heavy fan.
I believe there’s bigger issues regarding fan blade design or the bearing used.
Frames from high end fans like the T30 are rigid enough. The only way one could improve over it is a blade design more efficient or quieter bearing. Clearly not a simple task.
Another way is tuning the perceived noise, like some fans, even at similar noise level show a more pleasant tune to it.
That... was a whole lot of nothing.

Agree that it sounded like something written up for a politician; It went nowhere really. And could have not existed at all, and nothing would have changed.
Well techpowerup didn't totally slate it
It's a half decent fan
With daisy chaining capabilities
But unless you want to pay out that amount
Just for the aesthetics of the metal frame
There's plenty other options instead
Most cost less even with all singing and dancing rgb
All the way down to artic p12
At a fraction of the cost
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