ALRIGHT no digital

I shoot film too. Got a second hand Canon SLR so that I could use the EF lenses I already had for my DSLRs. Its as easy in a theoretical way, but you do lack the advantages of checking the shot is fine there and then and reshooting if necessary.

You also lack the editing possibilities unless you have a good scanner of course, but thats half a digital workflow then.

To those saying EMP could wipe out our entire history, its the same as saying fire could erase all our history in books. Potentially possible, but infinitely unlikely because we dont keep all our history in the same place. In fact its more widespread and duplicated now than its ever been.

About CD and DVD not being readable in the future, of course they wont be, but you will have the means to pass this data to other formats as and when they become available, because they will always overlap.

The only reason you dont have cassettes with old games from your spectrum is because too few people cared about that data and would not pay for the conversion. And even then, there are emulators around to play every arcade game or computer game from the past that you can think of. I know, I was playing all the NeoGeo games and the original Commando and the more obscure Valtric just the other day :) And I couldnt even remember the name Valtric when I started searching for it, it was just a memory from my childhood.

Now I am not the biggest fan of capitalism out there but right now with millions and millions of people storing their personal data do you think there wouldnt be a thousand companies out there ready to jump to provide solutions for converting your data. I dont think even if it was in a propietary format would it stop it from happening with such a big market for it. That is if the companies owning the rights are stupid enough not to, even if they go bankrupt before that, bids would line up to own the format. Its just not going to happen, with capitalism if there are clients willing to pay, there is a product, unless something so major happens that we are more worried about finding food or water and couldn't care less about the photos anyway.
I wouldn't mind trying a bit of film SLR to complement my 350D.

I assume I can use all my EF lenses with the SLR? But with the benefit of full frame loveliness?

Also where do you get films developed? Don't have my own lab :p
William said:
I much prefer film, if anything the cameras are built better and don't need batteries.

The batteries in my Lomo and EOS50 beg to differ :p

Raider said:
I wouldn't mind trying a bit of film SLR to complement my 350D.

I assume I can use all my EF lenses with the SLR? But with the benefit of full frame loveliness?

Also where do you get films developed? Don't have my own lab :p

EF are yes. For development goto Boots. They'll take any C41 film.
cyKey said:
The batteries in my Lomo and EOS50 beg to differ :p

Well that'll be because they have motorwinders and you use that fancy gadget, the luxmeter. ;)

Digital cameras are great, don't get me wrong but I can't justify the cost of them and I wouldn't want to use it for fear of breaking it whereas if I dropped my Minolta or my Pentax it would just make a loud noise and still work. :D
Ive extensively used a film slr, more than digital. I use a Mamiya RB67 which i think is the best camera ive ever used.
Ive used a large format but i find it far to much work, for results that dont warrant the effort.

Using film for me gave me a better practise, and better technique.
Processing and enlarging is a whole different ball game, its fun to create different effects with chemicals.
Colour enlarging is a pain in the back side though and damn expensive with all the wasted paper, and fairly diffucult for some people to get a godd colour representation.
I've used film for 35yrs, can't let go of my camera's EOS 600 + 600RT, EOS 10, Minolta 7000i + 700si, Pentax Spotmatic II, and several compacts, but when computers came out, I was having the film developed plus I also ordered the CD for me to have a mess with, and try some photo manipulation software (Photosuite 4) in those days, then when Canon brought out the EOS 10D & the G5, I was hooked on digital, plus I have a couple of point & shoot compacts, so I love all aspects of photography, trying to master Photoshop at the moment, and thats a big learning curve for somebody my age. :o
I'm a digital user at present with the 20D and will be going onto film for an upcoming college course. So will be learning developing my own stuff etc soon enough which is going to be a good learning experience.

peter4076 said:
I've used film for 35yrs, can't let go of my camera's EOS 600 + 600RT, EOS 10, Minolta 7000i + 700si, Pentax Spotmatic II, and several compacts, but when computers came out, I was having the film developed plus I also ordered the CD for me to have a mess with, and try some photo manipulation software (Photosuite 4) in those days, then when Canon brought out the EOS 10D & the G5, I was hooked on digital, plus I have a couple of point & shoot compacts, so I love all aspects of photography, trying to master Photoshop at the moment, and thats a big learning curve for somebody my age. :o

That's quite a collection, welcome to the forums :)
peter4076 said:

Welcome to the Photography section! Please feel free to share your work with us!

Back on topic, I gave up on film a few years ago. This was back when I wasn't really into photography and I ony had crappy film compacts that took awful pictures.

I enjoy using my 20D, but every now and then I get the itch to purchase a film EOS body off ebay and give it a whirl - especially for some of those nice b/w films you can get
Thanks for making me feel welcome, as far as photography go's I've always enjoyed the technology of photography, dabbled years ago with medium format, Rollei, and I also had the very cheap (under £20.00) Russian Lubitel, also Yashimat, numerous camera's trying to take that elusive shot, my mother, wife, & family all think that I take a pretty decent photo, but most of my family take pictures with a Hannimex, so anything that is clear and not foggy (Hannimex perspex lens ) is top banana, but I know my shots wouldn't cut the mustard on any photography forum, I'm afraid, I'm one of lifes poachers, I just graze these forums looking for the odd story or memory that I can practice my typing skills. ;)
OOoh a Yashicamat. I've been trying to get one of those after seeing peoples shots in Toronto. Looks like a lovely little camera.
Digital only now, can't be bothered with all the faffing about of film, although I still have my EOS1000 FN, an old voigtlander vito and an OM10 kicking about somewhere.
I use a cannon EOS 3000 and a holga and mess around with old cameras my dad gave me. my favourite was a perfect condition Agfa Isolette 1 (medium format) but it got stolen :(. also have a couple of brownies and an old (60s looking) epson compact. I also like to play around with my super 8 camera although its expensive - £12 for 50' and you have to send it to sweeden or something to develop it these days.

anyone looking at developing you should really have a go, its amazing. i've never tried colour developing but black and white is brilliant.

Also, whos ever made a pinhole camera? its great when you get photos you can actually make out with them :)
cyKey said:
OOoh a Yashicamat. I've been trying to get one of those after seeing peoples shots in Toronto. Looks like a lovely little camera.

Yeh, I used to have a Yashica 635 twin lens reflex. It's beauty was that with the supplied adaptor one could use 35mm or 120mm film. It also had a bolt-on telephoto lens, (two pieces obviously), I just luved it! It didn't have a light meter, was not automatic in any way, I seem to remember that I had to **** the shutter each time (allowed double exposures). I learnt many aspects of photography using that camera. Unfortunately it was stolen some years ago...... :mad:
Digital? It's okay, but film???? Velvia baby.. that's my bag.

EOS1+PBE1, 2xEOS10, EOS 650... 24mm 2.8 Sigma, 24-70 3.3-5.6 Sigma, 75-300MKIII Canon, not long sold the Sigma 170-500
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