Always go full handsome/about four fiddy...

Will do. I'd seen various guys on here doing them and thought i'd give them a go as it was a relatively low weight. I was pausing around an inch from the ground for a second or two and then continuing the lift from there.

I'll also give the lat pulldowns a go next week as I don't feel that the pull ups are progressing... What I also used to do were I guess you would call slow negatives with the pullups? ie jump up and lower myself slowly. They were ok but fatiguing.. Id literally jump and drop after a set or two. :D

Thanks :)
Negatives are a great alternative to assisted pull/chin ups, the fatigue is a good thing here :D

Me and Dom have done paused stuff for a little while now, and I've recommended them to a few guys on here, but they are an advanced training technique. Sometimes jumping straight into advanced stuff, while fun, actually ends up robbing you of gains. I've programmed them into a few beginner's routines, but their application is very specific.
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Cool, I'll stick at them and we'll see what happens....

To be honest I'll probably revert back to normal deads for the time being. I'd rather increase my stats and save that kind of thing for the inevitable sticking points. Thanks for the advice though. :)
Shoulder day:

Push Press:
10 x bar
5 x 42.5kg
5 x 47.5kg
8 x 55kg
7 x 40kg Was aiming for 10 but my wrist wasn't interested....

Lateral Raise:
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg Up to 12.5kg DB's for all 3 sets now, so definitely getting stronger/better at lateral raises.. :p

Front raise: (Drop sets using plates)
8 x 15kg/10kg/5kg x 3 sets

8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 30kg Wrist had really lost interest by this point...

Overall a good session. Like chest day DOMs I really enjoy shoulder day DOMs. Makes you feel like you are doing it right. :D
Chest day: 1/2/2014

Flat Bench:
10 x bar
5 x 30kg
5 x 37.5kg
15 x 42.5kg
10 x 42.5kg

Incline Bench:
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg

8 @ BW
8 @ BW
8 @ BW The fact that this was de-load showed tellingly with the dips. Finally got back to 3 sets of 8! cryingman.gif

DB Flyes:
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg

Tricep extensions
Lots in a drop formation

Leg Day:

10 x bar
6 x 60kg
5 x 82.5kg
5 x 92.5kg
6 x 105kg The last 2 of these were awful... So I punished myself
10 x 60kg
10 x 60kg

DB Walking lunges:
Didn't have the space to do these. Too many middle aged men standing about talking or on their phones. I literally did the above workout while they were talking about shrugs next to the shrug machine/doing the occasional shrug.

Calf raises on the leg press machine:
12 x 100kg
12 x 100kg
12 x 100kg

Leg extensions:
8 x 45kg
8 x 55kg
8 x whole stack

After the two sessions above I then did about 3 hours of cardio. (Washed, dried, claybarred, polished and waxed the car.)




Proof of cardio. Car wash PB
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Back Day:

10 x bar
5 x 50kg
5 x 65kg
5 x 77.5kg This should've been the 15 but for whatever reason I stopped at 5?! So did the 15 after...
15 x 77.5kg

Wide Grip Pull-ups:
8 @ BW with assistance
8 @ BW with assistance
8 @ BW with assistance These felt far easier due to it being light/de-load week. Did some slow negatives too.

DB Rows:
10 x 20kg
10 x 20kg
10 x 20kg

Reverse flyes:
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg

2 more de-load sessions:o, a funeral:(, a day off:) and then some 1RM's:cool: at the weekend! What a few days I have in store... Lol! :D
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Shoulder day:

10 x bar
5 x 22.5kg
5 x 27.5kg
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg

Lateral Raise:
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg
8 x 10kg

Front raise: (Drop sets using plates)
8 x 10kg/5kg/2.5kg x 3 sets

8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg

De-loads gonna de-load. Nothing too exciting but a means to an end I guess? Also ran on a treadmill for 10 minutes for some HIIT gainz.

Leg day:
10 x bar
5 x 45kg
5 x 55kg
15 x 65kg
10 x 65kg

DB Walking lunges:
20kg x 20m x 3 sets

Calf raises on the leg press machine:
8 x 100kg
8 x 100kg
8 x 100kg

Leg extensions:
8 x 35kg
8 x 45kg
8 x 55kg


1RM day
Bench: 80kg (Tried 85kg, but nothing was interested... Matched lifetime Peeb)
Deadlift: 160kg (Was a struggle but went up. Again, matched lifetime Peeb. Tried 170kg, but it wasn't interested in defying the earths gravitational pull.)
Push Press: 70kg! NEW PB! Cryingman.jpeg Probably should've tried higher, but didn't want to push my luck.
Squat: 120kg. Can't remember if this matches my lifetime PB or just short. Either way, we now have the figures to go forward.

This morning:

Flat Bench:
10 x bar
5 x 60kg
5 x 65kg
5 x 65kg (My training buddy, AKA captain maths got all the sums wrong so these were heavier than they should've been which is why we stopped at 65kg. Hes going to recalculate apparently... :D)

Incline DB Bench:
8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg (We have switched to DB's for this cycle just to mix it up abit...)

8 @ BW
8 @ BW
8 @ BW Did 3 sets despite the 'heavy' benching!!!??!

DB Flyes:
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg

Tricep extensions
Lots in a drop set formation
Nice peebing

Solid sessions

Groce cardio squats

Cheers dude. 2014 is the year where I may actually make gainz if I can keep this up.

Back Day:

10 x 60kg
5 x 110kg
5 x 115kg
8 x 122.5kg At this point I normally would've done another 'burn' set. But I felt awful. Really tired and my lower back was angry at me after Saturdays peeb. Still, got it done. :cool:

Bent over BB rows: (Switched back to these from DB rows for this cycle)
10 x 40kg
8 x 45kg
8 x 45kg

Wide Grip Pull-ups:
Some dyel was on the assisted chin machine so we used a standard wide grip bar to do as many pull ups as we could. Wasn't many... So then I treated myself to the following:
5 x slow negative
5 x slow negative
5 x slow negative

These were tough, although you can definitely feel them working so i'll see if its helped next back session.

Reverse flyes:
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg

Lat pulldowns:
started @ 45kg and worked our way down. Many reps and sets and a nice burning sensation.

Bicep curlz:
10 x 15kg
10 x 12.5kg
8 x 10kg

and done...
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