Always go full handsome/about four fiddy...

Enjoy tomorrow! :D

Regarding that epic bench, it would appear the LiE is making guest appearances at gyms up and down the country...
My legs hate me right now. Where my legs were are now just two long lumps of pain. My bum cheeks are something else too! (So to speak...)

It was unreal, he just kept adding 20's like it was nothing until 180 and then stuck a couple of 10's on just to hit the 200. All without a spotter too! :o I haven't benched without a spotter for a few years now... (Then again dropping 80 on yourself probably isn't as bad I guess.. :p )
Shoulder has been hurting for the last couple of days and clicking like a beast. Thought I'd go in regardless but be ready to abandon the session/particular exercise if I felt any pain in the shoulder... With that I bring you chest day:

Flat bench
10 x bar (And lots of mobilisation and stretching for shoulder.)
5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg
5 x 55kg

Felt good and not a single bit of pain. :)

Incline Dumbell bench
8 x 20kg
8 x 22.5kg
8 x 22.5kg

1 x f Felt uncomfortable and gave up
With some assistance 1 x f

Even with assistance it wasn't feeling good so rather than push it I left the dips for today.

Dumbell flyes
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg
8 x 12.5kg

Rope pushdown
These too felt terrible so I left them.

With regards to the shoulder thing I think its probably due to my job. Hunched over a screen all day doesn't do you any favours. With a bit of self diagnosis I believe I've probably got tight pecs that need some work and I have a habit of using my arms in a sub optimal position. My sister (A physio) did point out to me a while back that I needed to concentrate on keeping my shoulder blades back and it the case of my left side back and down. If I don't, it clicks and there is discomfort. I guess its something I need to work on so that it doesn't get worse. Still, that's what we are all here for right? :)
Should be trying to stretch your pecs daily really, they can get tight pretty quickly.

Regarding working at a desk, just try and go on a toilet break and stretch our a bit whenever you can and obviously try and keep good posture at the desk
I'm going to grab one of my little massage balls at lunch and attack my pecs at my desk this afternoon. :p :D

Keeping posture is my problem. I really have to concentrate on sitting better/not slouching. After about 10 minutes of concentrating on something I'm doing I find myself slouching again without realising... Just need to get into the habit/routine I think.
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