Am I an ass? (Long-ish read)

the past few days theres hardly been anything in, they only seem to buy wholemeal bread because the white stuff is fattening (sigh)

robgmun said:
I'm going through the same thing TBH had to move back to the folks because going through a devorce. And they never to having anything in the house expect for bread and ham/turkey slices, make nice sandwitches but it's starting to get long in the tooth

From your posts obviously both of you are old enough to work and have your own money; if your parents aren't filling the fridge to brimming with your every favourite food, why not buy it yourself? :confused: I've been managing to go to the shops on my own since I was 10!

Edit: in fact, to the OP, yes, you sound like an ass, sure you are paying £200 rent/month, but thats a pretty negligble amount when you take everything into consideration. If you can't afford more then fair enough, but if you can afford to buy yourself a £700 laptop then you should really be contributing a fairer amount to the household income (i.e. towards food).

Maybe consider cooking for the family once a week (out of your own pocket). Even though this isn't a huge financial contribution (depending what you make XD) they will appreciate the effort, as it shows a bit of appreciation for the fact they are looking after you. The bonus of this is, you get to eat exactly what you want!!
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after your first post, i thought 'no, you are not an ass, just stupid', steak and kidney pie - it is easy to see the kidney, take it out. thats what i do.

after reading further posts i think 'yes you are an ass' and you clearly need a kick up the ass.
its obvious that things are not good in the house, money worries cause huge amounts of stress (not sure if even more is going on besides either), yet all you can do is refuse to help.

conclusion: yes, you are an ass.
Sam, I know you more than anyone here mate and I like your dad and want to marry your mum but I know what they are like at times :D.

If I lived in your house, I definately would have been kicked out by now.
i'd just like to mention i am in awe that no one here seems to pick up on the fact that arse as spelt A-R-S-E, we are not American :rolleyes:

Urm, who cares? As long as who ever it's directed at,can read and understand it. :)

Edit: My ninja skillz are too good for your edits. :p
bringerofdecay, maybe he was asking is people think he is an ass, you know what an ass is dont you? :p
I would have picked out the kindey bits and eaten the rest if I was that bothered. TBH you were lucky you were given the choice in the first place. When I was at home I was given what I was given and I was greatful for it. I didn't get calls from the supermarket whilst I gave my wishlist.

Is it just me who has West as an Eric Cartman type character from reading this thread? "Nah daddy I don't want no PIIIIIIE" :p
Yep hes totally in the wrong, and is slightly bullying, good for you for standing up to him.
Sounds like your parents are both a tad stressed and you are not really helping by arguing over something as futile as a pie.

Just help out a bit more, maybe be less confrontational (as it does sound like you are).

I think people are being a little harsh........wouldn't say your an ass just for acting human. Sometimes it takes a while to actually realise the position others are in, think youve probably realised your parents arent in the best position at the moment from this thread. Once its written down it starts becoming a lot more understandable.

Having someone specifically ask you what you want and then being let down always sucks, because it raises expectations then dashes them instantly.

Next time, set the table, sit at the table, eat the chips and forget about the pie. It would emphasise you dont like it without causing an argument(although often causing a little guilt).
My dads a ****, i dont speak to him, he sits on his *** all day doing nothing claiming benifits, same with the fat step mum, everyone who knows him knows what hes like, he cnt hold a conversation without arguin, he thinks he knows it all and is the best... which isnt true, AT ALL, very arogant, very self centered and im sure has bloody mental issues.

I choose not to talk to him now i live with my mum.. But i know how your feeling, my dad and step mum used to go crazy if i didnt wash up a cup that i used the night before after arriving hom at 11pm when starting work at 6:30 the following morning, they can be like that at times, nothing you can do dude, its just best to ignore them while your there which is exactly what i did, and once you move youll see how much he cares, if he does, my dad has rung me 3-4 times since i moved back in sep, i refuse to talk to him half the time.

I have a TV down there and some personal belongings that he was meant to bring up in oct... He didnt, instead he brought what he wanted, he thinks i owe him money so now hes been funny about it, but the thing is, ive worked from april to aug, bought myself a laptop and a hol, and now ive workd in a second job from sep to present and i bought a 26" LCD HD TV, an Xbox 360 and more... so hes now annoyed at that, because he cant hold a days work.

Parents are idiots at times.. My mum is lovely and always is and i love living with her and im gladf im 300 miles from the other one.. Best thing to do it do what you did and walk away, keep away.. When your around him, make sure you behave, and remember anything that goes wrong, in a few weeks, if anything happens, bring it up, i always did that, it works because they dont remember anything..



I think people are being a little harsh........wouldn't say your an ass just for acting human. Sometimes it takes a while to actually realise the position others are in.

Hey, this wouldn't be OCUk without a plethora of over the top snap-judgements made by holier-than-thou people who've never so much as put a foot wrong in their life. :p
I think he's generally ****** off about being skint,

Can't blame him really can you, whacking great car loan when you cant afford and are thus always skint. And as for the table thing, jeez, it takes 30 seconds to lay the table. He provides you with somewhere to live its the least you can do for him!
I say you apologize to your old man, have a heart to heart talk with him (and stress on the fact that you didnt get your pie :P) and promise to help out more in the house


He's your dad not your arch enermy. At the end of the day he is family
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