Am I in denial?

4 Dec 2003
I drink 4+ cans of whatever the cheapest lager is a night very rarely without exception.

8+ pints down the boozer on a Friday and a good few bottles of Wine over the week with meals...

Normal or should I be calling the AA?!

Ive never really thought about it till tonight for some reason :o
Drunkard ;)

You like a good drink. Might at leats be worth giving the AA a call. Would you miss the drink if you cut itout altogether ??
Do you think you would have any withdrawal problems if you stopped the booze (almost) every night? If so, then I'd say you have a possible problem; else no.

I'm not a booze person, and probably drink £10-20 worth each year. After all, what is the point of alcohol?
as long as you live healthily in other respects ie go to the gym lots and dont smoke, then it might not be doing you too much harm, always best to cut down tho.
No I dont need it but honestly I havent tried to go without it for a while....maybe once a month when I dont bother to go to the shop etc but I dont feel anything bad. I guess I just prefer cheap beer to squash! :)

Last 2 days Ive been staying with my mum. Last night brought 8 cans of Fosters @ £7. 8 cans or Carling tonight for £6 and theres 3 left. I dont feel drunk or tipsy but I dont think you can ever judge yourself :)
I don't drink all that often myself, but this christmas just gone, I bought way too much booze and ended up drinking it all myself. I had something like 30 odd cans of guiness and othermsic beers. When it was all gone I did find myself missing it, but the urge for it got less andless as time passed by.

Too much of a good thing is bad.
Lay off the booze for a week and see how you get on. If you cope ok then thats good but if you find you can't do without it it sounds like you might have a dependancy problem.

Either way i'd at least try to cut down or not drink every night just for health reasons.
Well im 6 foot 2 and weigh 75kg - dont do much regular exercise - never smoked or taken drugs. I like to consider myself healthy but im sure if checked my poor old liver would be crying :o

*opens another can* :D
Behemoth said:
It's like the guy in the pub with photo of his wife, when she starts to look good, it's time to go home :D

Id live in the boozer then ;)

*hopes she doesnt read this* :D

Too elaborate more...

I NEVER drink before 11am. And only at lunch with a meal.

When not drinking at lunch I dont start before 5.

So since 5 I've done 6 cans of 4.1% - hmmmm doesnt seem that bad?! :p
Hell your a lanky monster :eek: wouldn't like to bump into you in a dark alley.

Well at the end of the day aslong as your happy with the amount your drinking and it doesn't go ott, as in a whole 24 pack of stella, like one of my mates does on a regular basis, you haven't got a problem. It's only yourself you have to justify it to at the end of the day.
Well seeing as you're drinking in a day close to what the medically recommended weekly amount is, then yes you could say you do. Whether its a dependency problem is another matter and one you can find out through a simple test (stop drinking!), but medically speaking it's not too healthy.
Teledude said:
Well im 6 foot 2 and weigh 75kg - dont do much regular exercise - never smoked or taken drugs
What do you think alcohol is then? ;) If anything, a nice big coke addiction would help you shed the pounds :p
In my eyes, if it's having a detrimental affect on your life and on your relationships then it's a problem. If not, it's just recreation.

I drink every night and, aside from the fact it's giving me a monumental beer gut, it doesn't bother me much. Trust me, I know an alcoholic when I see one - my dad could down half a bottle of vodka at 9am and think nothing of it. That is a problem.
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