Am I in denial?

It is recommended that you have at least two consecutive alcohol free days each week and not above 4 units each day.

If you can't manage 2 days without, you have a problem :)

My drinking habits fluctuate with working offshore - I will go 2,3 or even 4 weeks without whilst on the rig and then get ****faced for a week before easing back ready for my next trip :D (probably not the healthiest thing to do but it's my liver and I'll abuse it if I want :p )

Stan :)
4 cans is fine, a few bottles of vodka not wine would be a problem.
Your getting a lot of calories but your liver can probably take it, wont do you any good of course unless you otherwise be super stressed which is a health problem all by itself
Drinking often will mean your liver will pay the price if you carry it on for a long time. Try to give your system a break.
I'd say I probably drink about the same as you. I really don't think it's a problem that requires the AA, but I am trying to cut down a bit :)

Ant :cool:
Teledude said:
Well im 6 foot 2 and weigh 75kg - dont do much regular exercise - never smoked or taken drugs. I like to consider myself healthy but im sure if checked my poor old liver would be crying :o

*opens another can* :D

Lol are you anorexic or something? :p
Teledude said:
I drink 4+ cans of whatever the cheapest lager is a night very rarely without exception.

8+ pints down the boozer on a Friday and a good few bottles of Wine over the week with meals...

Normal or should I be calling the AA?!

Ive never really thought about it till tonight for some reason :o

That is what, 4 times the recommended daily intake of alcohol?

Personally I rarely drink simply because generally it doesnt taste that nice :confused:

There are two ways you can go about this either be a drunk or a alcoholic. (Alcoholics go to meetings).
I reckon you may have tbh, I kind of used to be similar a few years ago, nearly 4-5 years ago now. I would have a drink nearly every night, now i make a distinct effort not to touch any through the week, unless its a special ocassion etc. So why dont you just drink friday and saturdays? Try it, I bet you find it difficult. If you are really worried go to the doctors and ask to take some blood for a liver function test, im sure they would and they will tell you in 7 days what kind of state your liver is in, I know you probably dont want to know though :O)
perhaps something you should be bringing up with your GP if youre worried that your drinking is getting out of hand? im sure they can recommend you do something if you do have a 'problem'. i would suggest you take people's opinions here with a pinch of salt seen as most think that drinking is clever so are not qualified themselves to say whether or not you actually are an alcoholic.

although short term you may be fine you are definitely doing irrepairable damage to your organs in the long term.
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The only way you'll be able to tell is if you try to go without it for a while. You may find it easy to cut out the drinking at home (I only ever drink at home if I have a bottle of something nice - if I don't then it doesn't bother me). What I find difficult is not drinking on a night out - especially if it's with a lot of people that I don't know. I think you should try it, and make a judgement based on your experiences. Keep us posted!
If you can stop drinking for a while without it bothering you then you're fine. :)

If you can't, it bothers you a lot, it effects your daily life or if a loved one is highly concerned about this habit then it's time to cut back at least.
Drinking a lot does not make you an alcoholic. 'Is drinking costing you more than money?' Is it affecting your ability to get up for work in the morning? Do you ever take time off because of it?

Go without it for 3 months - if you can do this easily you do not have a drink problem. If you are unable to do this or really looking forward to the end of the dry period you probably should give AA a visit.
I wouldn't be so concernced about what it has done or what it is doing to you right now. But what certainly is a worry is what it will progress in to. Drinking as regularly as you are will lead to a dependancy in the future if you keep it up.

I think you are experiencing the early signs of alcoholism. Being underweight is a very common trait amongst alcoholics. Alcoholics consume so many calories per day in alcohol that they don't feel hungry anwhere near as often as they should and therefore eat far less good food. You can't get all the nutrients your body needs from beer alone so alcoholics tend to become underweight albeit with a very "soft" look. Normally what I would call "skinny-fat".

If I were you mate I would try to knock it on the head now rather than have to deal with it later. Ideally limit yourself to weekend drinking. If you find that too difficult (and you probably will) then at least drop down to no more than 2 cans per night if you are alone, have at least two completely 'dry' days per week and then drink what you would like to socially and at weekends. As I said before I don't think you are alcoholic now but your habits will likely lead to you becoming one over the years. I have experienced alcoholism first hand throughout my life so I know quite a bit about how it works. Trust me you'll be doing yourself a favour by nipping it in the bud.

EDIT: I just questioned my father regarding this. He is a recovering alcoholic and told me that with the amount you are drinking you are considered an alcoholic. Apparently you are drinking more per week than a some of those he has met at the AA. Sorry to be so negative mate.
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That level of alcohol consumption will be damaging your health. While your young you will probably get away with it; but it will catch up with you. Not only that but getting drunk every night means you're missing out on all the other things you could be doing with your life; learning to live through a haze rather than learning to enjoy life.

I suggest you join me in giving up Alcohol for Orthodox Lent (starts 6th March, ends Easter day, with no days off). How hard you find that will tell you whether you need help from the AA.
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