Amanda Knoxx retrial

If it's not Amanda Knoxx, that means some random person went into Meredith Kercher's apartment, raped her, then killed her. What are the odds of that happening? Nearly all murders are done by someone who knows the person.

And again, I ask, why would a completely innocent person change their story, not once, but several times? And why also would they try to shift the blame onto a completely innocent person? Why also would they make a written confession a week later? I don't care what anyone says. No innocent person admits to something which they haven't done.

You just have no powers of reasoning or logic. Continually jumping to outright conclusions based on sweeping generalisations and a stubborn refusal or inability to think of alternatives outside your scope of understanding or what you deem plausible. If you don't care what anyone says, why even start a thread on it?
ANy logical conclusion of the evidence at most suggests a high level of reasonable doubt over her guilt, and most of the evidence simply doesn't support her being guilty.

The lead prosecutor has previously tried to blame murders on satanic cults, he has been convicted of lying under oath, and is just a whack job, no where else in the world but Italy would he still be able to try cases.

Her interrogation was a 30 hour ordeal with people on record as hearing a scream, and she claims to have been hit. They didn't provide her with a lawyer and the "interpreter" as a police man who interpreted whatever he liked, false confessions in such circumstances aren't rare, she didn't understand or speak italian very well, and was asked to GUESS what happened several times.

The threesome theory, made up by the prosecutor to make her look bad, a drug addict and taking lots of things, they only found weed in her system... a drug fuelled rage on weed.... is an incredibly rare thing, jealous of a girl who is clearly not close to as attractive as her? THe threesome stuff, drug stuff, and trying to make the jealousy case is all stuff that people love to look down on people who like sex, take drugs and they wanted to make the prosecution point out that their client was more attractive than a dead girl, it looks bad to say so, its a lie that is hard to disprove without making their client look bad, something "dodgy" prosecutors do.

The person still in jail for the murder INITIALLY admitted to doing it ON HIS OWN, after being pushed himself, he named to accomplices and in doing so, got a lesser jail term than he otherwise would have gotten. His DNA was all over, and IN Kersher. He clearly did it and from the outside it looks like the prosecutor had their "big" case with the american girl and was in the press and had gone after the probably wrong people, so after a short while the guy who at first admitted he did it himself.... suddenly changed his story to implicate others and take some of the heat off himself?

Evidence wise the police refused to break Kersher's door IIRC to start with, left the apartment unlocked, had dodgy witnesses, blamed DNA on Knox even though her DNA would be all over the apartment anyway. Supposedly it was a few drops of blood in the bathroom, when you go home, if you spot two drops of blood in the kitchen or bathroom, is your first thought "someones been murdered" or someone had a nosebleed or something, do you stop your life because of a nose bleed? If the entire floor is covered in blood, you check if everyones okay, a couple drops of blood, no.

Could she have done it/been involved, for sure, thats pretty much the answer to almost anyone who is close to a murder and the question lingers over a huge portion of people who get found not guilty of murder... but reasonable doubt, the case is full of it.

Italian law, is a joke, italian police, lawyers, politicians, the entire system, is an entire joke. One of the biggest criminals in the country is the guy who ran the damn thing for years.

The interogation was dodgy as hell, and could EASILY have been done right, they chose to do it stupidly and not get a proper interpretor or independant witnesses. They chose to not lock up the apartment, and "found" evidence days later in a completely unsecured crimescene, even the evidence that the break in was done after, was after the girls room had people go through it to check it, I believe it was basically glass on top of(and underneath) stuff in the room, usually glass hits the floor and then when you throw stuff about its only on top of the glass. But as other people went in, more glass could have been knocked around, quite easily.

Trials a joke, unfortunately when a trial/evidence/investigation/interogation are so profoundly screwed up there is little chance of finding the truth, and certainly no way anyone should be put in jail for donkeys years. One guy is still in jail, the only person to ADMIT killing the woman, at first he admitted he did it on his own. He's by FAR the most likely killer, the rest is the Italians trying to save face by putting someone else in jail so they can claim a win... unfortunately that isn't just an Italian thing, "justice" around the world is more about winning than the truth these days.
How I see it, the guy raped her and Knoxx slit her throat, proving that is a different matter.
I think she had some hand in it, whether it was taking part or assisting in covering it up I've no idea, but the apparent botched investigation doesn't help and unless they suddenly magically find substantial uncontaminated evidence I don't think we will ever know the truth.
Why would Knoxx's DNA be found on Kercher's bra? 3 people were involved in this murder. Two are currently walking among us has free as you and I. That should worry you.

Knox said she spent the night of the murder at Sollecito's house. She maintained they smoked a joint, watched the French film "Amelie" and made love. Knox at one point told investigators she was home the night of the murder and had to cover her ears against Kercher's screams while she was attacked by a Congolese man who owned a bar where Knox worked. That accusation formed the basis of the slander verdict against Knox, which was upheld Tuesday. Knox said she was manipulated into the statement during a lengthy police interrogation and later said she hadn't been back in her apartment that night.

This is one gets me. I can understand someone signing something whilst under duress, but why would an innocent person complete a statement the next day, and a written confession a week later?

Guede side of the story is that he heard Kercher and Knox argue over money minutes before the Briton was slain. Guede claimed he had fallen ill and had gone into the bathroom with his iPod when he heard "a very loud scream" coming from Kercher's bedroom. He rushed to the bedroom, he said, where he saw an unidentified man who tried to attack him. Backing into the hall, Guede said he heard the man say, "Let's go. There's a black man in the house."

I know I'm right when I say knoxx is a murderer. I can only hope justice is served, somehow I don't see that happening now.
I feel for Sollecito...if found guilty, he has no superpower state dept to stand in front of him.

Why would you feel for him that he won't be able to avoid doing prison if he is found guilty?

I might be missing context but this is a bit of an odd statement.

There are a lot of circumstacial evidence in this case that suggests Knox knows who is guilty and that she is not completely innocent. Her attitude has not helped her public image not one bit.

All of that could mean something or nothing, but the media have been spinning this so much that it's hard to get to the facts any way.
ANy logical conclusion of the evidence at most suggests a high level of reasonable doubt over her guilt, and most of the evidence simply doesn't support her being guilty.

The lead prosecutor has previously tried to blame murders on satanic cults, he has been convicted of lying under oath, and is just a whack job, no where else in the world but Italy would he still be able to try cases.

Her interrogation was a 30 hour ordeal with people on record as hearing a scream, and she claims to have been hit. They didn't provide her with a lawyer and the "interpreter" as a police man who interpreted whatever he liked, false confessions in such circumstances aren't rare, she didn't understand or speak italian very well, and was asked to GUESS what happened several times.

The threesome theory, made up by the prosecutor to make her look bad, a drug addict and taking lots of things, they only found weed in her system... a drug fuelled rage on weed.... is an incredibly rare thing, jealous of a girl who is clearly not close to as attractive as her? THe threesome stuff, drug stuff, and trying to make the jealousy case is all stuff that people love to look down on people who like sex, take drugs and they wanted to make the prosecution point out that their client was more attractive than a dead girl, it looks bad to say so, its a lie that is hard to disprove without making their client look bad, something "dodgy" prosecutors do.

The person still in jail for the murder INITIALLY admitted to doing it ON HIS OWN, after being pushed himself, he named to accomplices and in doing so, got a lesser jail term than he otherwise would have gotten. His DNA was all over, and IN Kersher. He clearly did it and from the outside it looks like the prosecutor had their "big" case with the american girl and was in the press and had gone after the probably wrong people, so after a short while the guy who at first admitted he did it himself.... suddenly changed his story to implicate others and take some of the heat off himself?

Evidence wise the police refused to break Kersher's door IIRC to start with, left the apartment unlocked, had dodgy witnesses, blamed DNA on Knox even though her DNA would be all over the apartment anyway. Supposedly it was a few drops of blood in the bathroom, when you go home, if you spot two drops of blood in the kitchen or bathroom, is your first thought "someones been murdered" or someone had a nosebleed or something, do you stop your life because of a nose bleed? If the entire floor is covered in blood, you check if everyones okay, a couple drops of blood, no.

Could she have done it/been involved, for sure, thats pretty much the answer to almost anyone who is close to a murder and the question lingers over a huge portion of people who get found not guilty of murder... but reasonable doubt, the case is full of it.

Italian law, is a joke, italian police, lawyers, politicians, the entire system, is an entire joke. One of the biggest criminals in the country is the guy who ran the damn thing for years.

The interogation was dodgy as hell, and could EASILY have been done right, they chose to do it stupidly and not get a proper interpretor or independant witnesses. They chose to not lock up the apartment, and "found" evidence days later in a completely unsecured crimescene, even the evidence that the break in was done after, was after the girls room had people go through it to check it, I believe it was basically glass on top of(and underneath) stuff in the room, usually glass hits the floor and then when you throw stuff about its only on top of the glass. But as other people went in, more glass could have been knocked around, quite easily.

Trials a joke, unfortunately when a trial/evidence/investigation/interogation are so profoundly screwed up there is little chance of finding the truth, and certainly no way anyone should be put in jail for donkeys years. One guy is still in jail, the only person to ADMIT killing the woman, at first he admitted he did it on his own. He's by FAR the most likely killer, the rest is the Italians trying to save face by putting someone else in jail so they can claim a win... unfortunately that isn't just an Italian thing, "justice" around the world is more about winning than the truth these days.

quoted for talking sense rather than relying on beliefs like the OP.
Why would you feel for him that he won't be able to avoid doing prison if he is found guilty?

He has no safety net, it is likely that any verdict against him will be as flawed as the first, and also he will have to faced the full pressure of another case while Knox is protected by the US State Dept. I don't think it is odd at all.
Why would Knoxx's DNA be found on Kercher's bra?

Because they shared a house. Seriously - DNA gets everywhere. It's also hardly uncommon for women to wear each other's clothing. And this also assumes that it actually was, and the press isn't making that bit up. And the Italian lab didn't mess up. And the OIC didn't plant the evidence.
I too 'get' the comments about her being a bit of a nut job. Way too cool to be normal, which is why I've always thought she's been guilty.

Are you serious? Sadly, I suspect that you are. Several people have connected this to the McCann case, and I agree - but for another reason. The "great" British Public seem to think that they know how people should react after such events - usually they think that it should feature much tears, for example. If the person/people concerned fail to react in the official approved matter, some of the slower members of the public assume this is a sign of guilt. Except that there's no rule book. People who deal a lot with people under high stress will tell you that any and all reactions can occur, from hysterics to complete calm. You can read NOTHING into people's reaction after such events. So stop trying. People who know far more about such things than you get it wrong all the time, and you are wrong too. Only the actual (not the stuff made up by the papers - and we are back to the McCanns) evidence matters.
Whatever. I just feel sorry for Meredith and her family.

Lets not forget, knox's parents have spent around 1 million dollars defending her. Do you believe those lawyers care about justice? More like there fat pay cheques.

Here's some information:

I guess we'll never know now. What massive **** up from start to finish. The media should be banned whilst a trial is going on. I should also say, why is the justice system we have stacked in favour of the defendant? They get numerous appeals. That doesn't sit right with me.

PS: The video mentions her doing cartwheels as I previously posted. That doesn't strike me as someone who is devastated that their 'friend' has been murdered. I understand people can react to tragedy in different ways, but doing cartwheels is just weird.

EDIT: Here's the cleaning supplies bit I was talking about:
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