Amazon Fire TV

It was around the start of September that deal started. Kinda miffed I missed it, but would love to see it plays. Will see the reviews and what you boys think.
Depends on how well it does things like 24p and HD audio. They're the two things that keep putting me off android boxes.
Amazon had just emailed me my dispatch note so it'll be here tomorrow. Shame I've got an AC race tomorrow eve, will have to wait until Friday before I can play.
Mines arriving today. Going to be a dedicated ripper street box for my mum for when it comes out. She loves a bit of Matthew mcfannyhead.
Mine has arrived:

Going to need your professional opinion on the controller. Its only been maybe an hour, but can you see much use for it and do individual apps have to provide support for it, or can it be mapped depending on the game?
I've got mine, it's absolutely tiny but feels very well made. Just plugged it in and letting it do the upload, seems pretty slow though so far updating wise.
Been using it to watch Twitch streams and Netflix/Amazon Prime and it's quite nippy. It's very small, struggles with nothing so far, menus could be better but are smooth and it doesn't kick out any heat so it'll be taking over the media side from my PS4.
Mine just arrived. I really wouldn't recommend updating it at all if you want to hack it and install xbmc etc as I'm sure the updates stop you from rooting it etc.
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