Amazon Prime TV app letdown

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Evening all,

Is it me or is the Amazon TV app absolute cack? It's installed on both the PS4 and the TV and both only show maybe 10 things to watch? Grand Tour, Fleabag and a few other things. However, using the website, hundreds of options.

We've spoken to Amazon support but they gave a generic "this is how the app is designed"... I seriously doubt people are happy with 10 things to watch if they bought prime to watch it on a console!?!!?

Is anyone else getting the same?
I've not seen it that limited but I've found it better to use the desktop site as much as possible.

They seem to have moved a lot of stuff around especially on the app to promote their extra channels that are an additional cost and mostly don't look that great.
I've used it on my Fire TV and yep the app is just generally crap unless you know what you want to watch and search for it rather than general browsing.
I have it on my Android TV, seems to show all shows just fine.

The App itself is ok at best but I can definitely browse everything.
Have the app pre-installed on my TV and there's loooooooads of series on there.

Send us a pic of what you see when you open the Amazon app, curious as to if we have the same menu..
They redesigned it last year to be more Netflix-esque which in my opinion was a big mistake. It's much harder to find stuff now and seems like you're scrolling through endless banner-adverts :( The best way seems to be going to 'Movies' or 'TV' at the top, and then scrolling down to the '... included with Prime' subcategory.

Still, with Amazon and Netflix I always know what I'm wanting to watch so in that respect on my FTV it's much easier. I hate navigating Netflix or losing 3 days scrolling through it all, because I don't know what to watch.
It's no worse than any of the Netflix apps to be honest.
Ok im only talking about the firestick app but hell no, it's a metric **** tonne worse. Paid content mixed in with prime, no ability to filter the paid stuff out, adverts all over the screen ie Sneaky Pete was advertised on the movies page. It's not even a movie! Last time I tried to watch The Grand Tour it wasn't even listed under Netflix originals? Couldnt find it anywhere, had to type it in on the search page? Whaaaa ?:confused:

It's an absolute mess.
It's no worse than any of the Netflix apps to be honest.

It definitely is in my experience, if only for the fact that Amazon want you to buy/rent stuff through their service as well, which means that paid content inevitably ends up being displayed more prominently (unless you fitler it). There's also no particularly easy way to see what's been recently added, whereas there is on Netflix.
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Ok im only talking about the firestick app but hell no, it's a metric **** tonne worse. Paid content mixed in with prime, no ability to filter the paid stuff out
Every section has a subsection called 'Movies on Prime' or 'Comedies on Prime' or words to that effect. I can't remember how it's worded exactly but there are sections. What's useful is using the Android app and adding stuff to a watchlist. If you click on Movies you then have a subsection 'Included with Prime'. Have you even tried any of these things? They're not exactly hidden tricks :confused:

Last time I tried to watch The Grand Tour it wasn't even listed under Netflix originals? Couldnt find it anywhere, had to type it in on the search page? Whaaaa ?:confused:
As above, that would be because it's (quite famously) an Amazon Original. And it's advertised all over the app so I can hardly see how you missed it. And you're complaining that Amazon made it hard to find stuff on Netflix? Eh? :confused:
You dont actually think i was sat there looking for netflix content on a you?

Every section has a subsection called 'Movies on Prime' or 'Comedies on Prime' or words to that effect. I can't remember how it's worded exactly but there are sections.
Yees and every prime section is mixed up with the paid content. I dont want to see paid content. I'll never use it. I dont want to have to scroll past paid content to to find the next prime section. It's a BAD design.

As for TGT no wasn't advertised all over the app. It has been on the home page along with other shows but wasn't at the time and even if it was, which it wasn't, that still doesn't explain why it wasn't in the AMAZON originals list. I seem to recall they did the same thing with sneaky pete when that was released.
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I tend to add it to my list via the website but if I want the UHD version I have to mess around diving deep into menu upon menu to find it to add to my watchlist on the TV.
You dont actually think i was sat there looking for netflix content on a you?
Well that's what it sounded like. I use my FireTV to watch Netflix.

Yees and every prime section is mixed up with the paid content. I dont want to see paid content. I'll never use it. I dont want to have to scroll past paid content to to find the next prime section. It's a BAD design.
Well I don't understand what you're doing. If I click into a 'Comedies on Prime' category for example, that's all I get. I can't help you any further than that. And you can't really blame Amazon for advertising their non-Prime content. They are there to get money out of you anyway.
Well that's what it sounded like. I use my FireTV to watch Netflix.
I said i was looking for The Grand amazon exclusive... come on. Everybody else got it.

And ive just checked now and neither TGT or Sneaky Pete are in the prime originals and exclusives section!

Well I don't understand what you're doing. If I click into a 'Comedies on Prime' category for example, that's all I get. I can't help you any further than that.

:/ Look at each section under movies. Prime...then paid..then prime...then paid..then some more paid. Tv is the same - exusives, then featured channels, the sponsored - oh that looks on it...nope, that's paid - then 'buy', then 'recommended' which is all paid content too..

I don't want paid content. i'm never going to buy any of it. You can filter paid content out on the website - you cant do that on the firestick and when you search for something, an actor for example, the content is all jumbled together and you don't know if its paid until you click on it. There's no excusing it, it's just poor.

And you can't really blame Amazon for advertising their non-Prime content. They are there to get money out of you anyway.

I'm already a prime subscriber, i'm well within my rights to agitated by the layout and advertising of the additional paid content. As i would be if netflix started doing it as well.
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Evening all,

Is it me or is the Amazon TV app absolute cack? It's installed on both the PS4 and the TV and both only show maybe 10 things to watch? Grand Tour, Fleabag and a few other things. However, using the website, hundreds of options.

We've spoken to Amazon support but they gave a generic "this is how the app is designed"... I seriously doubt people are happy with 10 things to watch if they bought prime to watch it on a console!?!!?

Is anyone else getting the same?
I get this sort of selection when I go abroad and open up the Prime app on my phone (from memory). Maybe a problem with geographical settings?

Prime is rubbish lately, though. Had Prime as my only TV service (including terrestrial tv - not hooked up) for about a year and was happy with it, but since getting Netflix as well I've found I barely watch Prime.
I get this sort of selection when I go abroad and open up the Prime app on my phone (from memory). Maybe a problem with geographical settings?

Prime is rubbish lately, though. Had Prime as my only TV service (including terrestrial tv - not hooked up) for about a year and was happy with it, but since getting Netflix as well I've found I barely watch Prime.

That's what I'm thinking, I'll grab a picture later. The account is set in the US, but was opened in the UK.

I'll contact their support again today.
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