I said i was looking for The Grand Tour...an amazon exclusive... come on. Everybody else got it.
And ive just checked now and neither TGT or Sneaky Pete are in the prime originals and exclusives section!
:/ Look at each section under movies. Prime...then paid..then prime...then paid..then some more paid. Tv is the same - exusives, then featured channels, the sponsored - oh that looks good..click on it...nope, that's paid - then 'buy', then 'recommended' which is all paid content too..
I don't want paid content. i'm never going to buy any of it. You can filter paid content out on the website - you cant do that on the firestick and when you search for something, an actor for example, the content is all jumbled together and you don't know if its paid until you click on it. There's no excusing it, it's just poor.
I'm already a prime subscriber, i'm well within my rights to agitated by the layout and advertising of the additional paid content. As i would be if netflix started doing it as well.
It's not a poor layout, it's not a bad layout.
Think on this who, in Amazons eyes are their best Prime customers ?
The ones like you who pay one sub per year, watch all the free stuff and never buy any extra content.
Or the ones who buy a new film or series or whatever once or twice a week ?
EVERYONE who looks on Amazon Prime film/tv lists are prime subscribers, you cannot get it without being one, so that is irrelevant.
However Amazon are there to make a profit, as big a profit as they can, and for every one person like you, who will never buy any paid content, there are a thousand who will buy paid stuff regularly.
So Amazon lay out the menus so that the majority of people browsing think, "oh that sounds good lets buy that and watch it".
They are pandering to the ones who will buy, not the ones who will never buy.
I would almost bet my house on the fact Netflix WILL change their layout to something similar at some point or other, they are also there to make money not to please people.