Amazon sale is up (Spec Ops 25$, Darkness 2 12$..)

Don't really want to buy anything in case steam do it cheaper...

I don't think the medium paradox bundle will get any cheaper on steam!

Magicka collection is £25, CKII is £30, Victoria II is £15, Both Sword of Stars are £40... Overall the bundle is worth about £100, and you're getting it for about £8! :eek:

(This is just an example for me though :p)
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Would anyone like to play through Borderlands together? If so add me on steam! (sickojay)

Still waiting for my monitor so it will be in a roughly a week.
Kingdoms of Amalur will make the sale, and I'm waiting for confirmation from Square Enix, which should be exciting.

Seems more games will be added to the sale soon
Rage is a steamworks game and is not terrible at all.

it bombed world wide

this sums it up pretty well

The threadbare story is filled with pointless motivations, poorly realised characters and bad dialogue - so cross out 'wanting to know what happens at the end'. The way the game challenges you is by simply sending more of the same at you and hoping you run out of ammo. It doesn't have story, it doesn't have gameplay - so why would you keep playing?
Just bought Borderlands GOTY for £4.70p :)

Billing Name: Escobar Aloplop, probably shouldn't of used that as it is my secret identity, FBI gonna get me now. :(
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