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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
There has a lot of talk going on around DirectX 12 and how new and current graphics cards would utilize the latest API to leverage performance in upcoming gaming titles. In an interview with Computerbase regarding DirectX 12, AMD’s Robert Hallock (Head of global technical marketing) revealed that their current GCN cards don’t feature full DirectX 12 support and are limited to Feature Level 12_0 while the rivaling Maxwell graphics cards have full Feature Level 12_1 support.

DirectX 12_GeForce GTX 980 Ti Support

AMD DirectX 12 Support Limited To Feature Level 12_0 – Fiji Might Be The Only Feature Level 12_1 Compliant Architecture
DirectX 12 will be the latest API from Microsoft that is built to leverage performance across several platforms. It is designed for PCs, Consoles, Tablets and even phones that are running the Microsoft Windows 10 OS. Since its announcement, graphics manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, NVIDIA and even Qualcomm have claimed that the hardware they built will fully support DirectX 12 capabilities. We have come a long way since the revelation and bits by bits, we get more information regarding the different feature levels and advantages of the API. The first thing we knew about DirectX 12 API was that it was built for low CPU overhead by reducing the CPU bottleneck faced by the graphics card and fully utilize the processor to its maximum potential. The other features included more control over hardware by the developers and a fully asynchronous computing method which is faster and efficient.

The reference DirectX 12 API (Feature Level 11_0) has performance targeted features while the other two level deliver graphical improvement and this is what really matters in improving the games visually. The feature level 12_0 comes with Tiled Resources, Typed UAV Access and Bindless Textures support. Feature Level 12_1 has the Raster Order Views, Conservative Raster and Volume Tiled Raster enabled on the API. We have talked about these features in previous articles detailing the performance improvement, explicit multi-adapter technology and graphical updates. But to enable these new technologies, the hardware built by companies need to be full compliant with it.


AMD has recently confirmed that their current cards can support Feature Level 12_0 at best while the NVIDIA’s Maxwell architecture has full support for DirectX 12, up to Feature Level 12_1. The cards that feature level 12_ 0 support include Radeon HD 7790, Radeon R7 260 (X), Radeon R9 285, Radeon R9 290 (X) and R9 295X2. The older cards such as the ones based on Tahiti, Pitcairn that include all the 7000 series cards (excluding HD 7790), Radeon R9 270 (X) and Radeon R9 280 (X) feature up to Feature Level 11_1 support. Robert Hallock believes that there’s no problem with not feature DirectX Feature Level 12_1 support since features are performance enhancing tools are already available in 11_1 and 12_0 and most games won’t rely on utilization of 12_1. This however could hurt AMD in the long run against Maxwell (GeForce 900 series) cards that are fully compliant with DirectX 12 feature level 12_1 and that was proved in their recent GeForce GTX 980 Ti launch. NVIDIA’s older cards, like AMD’s 7000 series, such as Kepler and Fermi come with Feature Level 11_1 support.
This could mean that AMD’s only fully DirectX 12 compliant card would be their only new Fiji GPU based card that launches this month. However, judging by Robert Hallock’s statement on how DirectX Feature Level 12_1 isn’t important for them, it could also mean that that they will also have limited support on Fiji but that is yet to be confirmed.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/amd-confirms-gc...-10-feature-level-120-gcn-1112/#ixzz3cAdMmnxV

Shots fired!!!
I have been saying that AMD cards didn't support all the features of DX12 and I got FUD graphs posted telling me I was wrong. Drunkenmaster posted loads of FUD and then got told he was a hero for posting such FUD.

Don't want to say it but..... "I told you so" :p

@ Kaap - 9 series Maxwell fully supports all of the current features of DX12.
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And not so long ago I witnessed AMD fanboys literally shouting and threatening people with physical violence saying their AMD GPU's are full DX12 GPU's.

Seriously something wrong with a lot of people.

Yep, same and I just shake my head with sadness to see such behavior. At the end of the day, if my card didn't support the key parts of DX12, I would upgrade and no biggie.
Zzzzzz, so basically what you have discovered Greg with your obsessive research into DX12 is the new cards fully support it and old cards don't? I presume also you could have amended the the title slightly and changed GNC to Kepler and it would have just as relevant?

A bit harsh and because I enjoy tech and want to know what is what, I didn't realise that was obsessive research. Also, I had no intention of amending the title and copied and pasted as it was. Sorry if that offends you (clearly does) but I tell it like it is and no egg shells around me to stand on.
I have a feeling a few people will start to get insulting about this as you've already witnessed.

Truly amazes me.

Well, I have one day left at work and then 14 days off, so my spirits are high. Insults on the internet are a sign of weakness and any valid argument goes out the window when they start.

Start threads, get comments. Apart from perhaps the word obsessive I think it's a valid comment, considering it's correct.

Fair enough and you are entitled to voice your opinion :)
Surely DM posted EXACTLY what you've just posted in your excessively long quote? In fact his words are so similar to those in the quote that you could be forgiven for thinking he'd read exactly the same thing and paraphrased it in his post.

And here you come starting an "I'm right, he's wrong" thread that's a blatant 100pc attempt to get a reaction. I.e. you're trolling. Again.

You are quite correct and having just re-read DM's post, he does say that, so please accept my apologies and happy to hold my hands up. 4am starts all week meant my brain was a little mashed :)
There is a big difference between current features and the full implementation of DX12.

Maxwell will not support all the upcoming features of DX12.

You can't make a card for unknown additions that might come in a couple of years or might not but as it stands at the moment, 9 series Maxwell fully supports DX12.
I don't like egg shell in my omelette. I wasn't asking you to amend the title but simply pointing out that it would be unlikely for cards released two years ago and designed even longer ago to be fully compatible with the dx12 spec.

Well here is the thing, I see the article and copied and pasted it "as it was" and put the link in so others could read it (and it gives credit to the author that way). I didn't really feel it fair to change the title as well.

Now AMD fans have been saying how DX12 was fully compliant with AMD's GCN cards and posted charts/graphs with all different parts which can do this and that. I said on a number of occasions that GCN couldn't do ROV's and Conservative Rasterization (2 key parts of DX12) but that got ignored and then a few posts/threads later, the same FUD charts/graphs get posted and again, I tell them that GCN can't do ROV's or Conservative Rasterization and I get told I am wrong and just being a fanboy etc.

Now whilst I agree that 2 year old tech was unlikely to fully support DX12, some seemed to think it would because of some dodgy graph. I also question weather Grenada will support DX12 fully as well, as I believe it is mainly a rebrand of the 290 series? But fingers crossed, Fiji fully supports DX12.
It does seem easier to jump on me rather than discuss the actual article. People seem to feel this is an attack thread at their family members but if you read the original article, it wasn't me that wrote it and for as long as I can remember, it has always been fine to post news threads that concern graphics cards in the graphics forum. Caryy on with the digs and jabs by all means but it won't change the fact that the article clears up some misconceptions that people were earlier getting wrong.
  • No current GCN card fully supports DX12
  • DX12 isn't Mantle with a new name
  • Only 9 series Maxwell fully supports DX12

And whilst these things are clear, not sure if people are reading the article at all as a few are saying things like "not surprised it isn't supported on 2 year old tech" etc but the questions remain for the forthcoming Grenada and even the Fiji cards, "will the 290/x rebrands fully support DX12? Will even the Fiji card fully support DX12? These are questions that need answering and I would like to buy a newly released GPU that fully supports DX12 now and not miss out in 6 months or less time.


And some are saying "Not any games out that support DX12" and "by the time DX12 games are out, we will be on newer tech" but that then goes back to people still using (and buying) 2/3 year old tech and what if the newer Grenada cards/Fiji cards don't fully support DX12 in 2 years time?
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So will the upcoming 3 series GPUs from AMD fully support DX12?


Full DX12 support cards:

GTX 960, 970, 980, 980Ti, Titan X (I think that covers all of them?)
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I'm concerned as I bought a 290x which I had planned on keeping for a couple of years or more with a second card if need be. I've had to change those plans for several reasons and now I want a replacement,

What ever I buy I'd like to get a couple of years out of it, more if a second card being added is feasable. By feasable I mean it needs to have enough ram and decent dual card support.

Because I want it to last this long I want something with as much DX12 support as possible,

I still do not know which brand to buy, I'm waiting on Fiji however that is a high risk option due to on going support or lack of and me wondering how will it be in a year or two's time.

It's a big decision because it is followed by a monitor purchase that effectively ties me to a brand.

For this reason it is a long term investment and the more data I can get before making a decision the better.

Absolutely Nasha and I would want to know what is what before I buy. All Maxwell cards are full DX12 compliant (except for the 750Ti) but cureently none of the AMD cards are and looking sketchy for the 3 series from AMD. I don't even know if Fiji will even fully support DX12 but I would hope so.
"Goodness" That will very likely not make it into games anyways. I very doubt all these feature levels will be seen in games.. What happened to Tiled Resources?? A break through in texture streaming in DX11.2 did we see this in any games? Nope!


DX11 was dead long ago and DX11.2 didn't see a single game that I know of? But to write off DX12 techs and say "that will very likely not make it into games anyway" is a typical head in the sand response and with yourself being a massive proponent of Mantle, I expected better from you. DX12 will be the go to API and there is a real buzz about it.

I would rather buy a GPU that can run all of DX12s techs instead of hoping they don't implement them. That is some seriously backward thinking there :(
I'm going to point out; is hell the table he put out is wrong......so I'm pretty much guessing it click bait.

I'm going to see when and if people actually see it. Greg you posted a clickbait article that actually doesn't give any proof that AMD's confirmed anything...;)

His table is wrong; - doesn't give any actual proof on this ....so we're still sitting with we're not sure.....*well I know; but last time I shared anything I got jumped over it so I don't do it anymore*

Fair enough and ignore Robert Hallock if you like :)

Obviously he omitted Kepler, not to paint NVIDIA in a bad light. Honestly, the devotion some forum members have to these giant companies is quite staggering. Each to his own though I guess :)

I own AMD as well as NVidia and will be getting a Fury X and regardless of what people think, I want to see AMD do well. I personally don't care about Kepler (been there and done that) and it is old and I omitted nothing and copied and pasted the article (minus the pointless pics).

But thanks for the input and for getting everything wrong :D
The GPU section just gets so needlessly confrontational. We are talking about lumps of plastic, metal and silicon, stop taking it all so seriously!

You know this. Anyone who actually knows me knows that I am an easy going chap with a massive sense of humour and really enjoys life. The way some react, it is as though I have insulted their family members. Comical really but sad in the same respect.

@Dave2150 - Busted me and you have sussed my plan to ruin AMD and I want to pay massive prices to NVidia for minimal incremental gains. You are too smart for me. :o
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