I wouldn't be seen dead in an nVidia t-shirt never mind AMD.
EDIT: You really don't understand my position on this, I have no problem with AMD in a general sense, I admire their ability to do business even when for instance under immense pressure from intel that would have killed a lesser company, and I think they make great hardware, my contention with AMD has always been the lack of support they traditionally have put behind developers, while making big headlines and promises they never live upto, if they sorted that I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about them.
my contention with AMD has always been the lack of support they traditionally have put behind developers, while making big headlines and promises they never live upto, if they sorted that I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about them.
Are they not doing enough for you? they are in partnership with the majority of game developers, (CryTek have been public in their appreciation of AMD's help in Crysis 3) a lot of the games released recently are AMD titles, they have developed new graphics goodies like lighting and shadow effects, not to mention SteesFX.
The Drivers have been rock solid for months, they said they would fix Latency issues on Single GPU's and they have, they said they would fix Xfire and they are working on it.
They have been working with software developers like Adobe to add new things into their products......
There comes a point when (despite what they are doing) a person keeps saying "they aren't doing enough" it raises eye brows
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