We don't know if we need an i7 for SLI, it wouldn't do sweet anything over an i5 if the game can't use the extra threads.
And as mentioned it's using an effect that kills the frame rate.
And I can't imagine multi-gpu's working great tbh.
I disagree from my experience. 2 power gpu's or more, impose 20-25% more load on the cpu load with vsyn off on an intel 4 core cpu in BF4.
Heres a point in case 3750k 4.6Ghz, cpu usage circa 75% 1x7950 1200Mhz 99-100% gpu usage with vsyn off. With vsyn on (60hz) still circa 70-75%...(cpu not bottlenecked)
Now add another card
2x7950's 1200Mhz, cpu usage jumps from 75% with vsyn off to 95-100%.
Turn vsyn (60Hz) on guess what happens to cpu usage it is pegged back at 75-80%.
Also if I turn cards down with vsyn off cpu usage returns to circa 90%.
So point in case proven
2xHD 7000+ or 680's will bottleneck an i5 with vsyn off. (Not with vsyn on 60hz)
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