AMD #KillRoy BF4 Event! Play With Roy Taylor and Matt Buck from AMD for a chance to win an R9-295X2!

4 Jun 2009
Better not be metro, flood zone or lockers! :p

Hopefully either paracel (jet action), rogue (tank action), lacang (aa, tank or jet action).

And no siege please! (unless my team get westie and joe in the attack heli to keep those roof noobs down :D)
18 Nov 2011
Running CF 7970's (previously 7950's) here no probs and only driver crashes I've had was when mining and overclocking... :confused:



When i upgraded to 14.9 it was having none of it. Nothing would run without crashing completely. 14.9.1 has been a bit better after doing a DDU also. Sometimes it will open fine and carry on running fine for the rest of the session, sometimes it will take a couple of restarts for it to open alright.

I think it was AMD overdrive that may have been interfering with afterburner, even though i hadn't touched it, i think it may have been running, its prolly sorted now after I disabled a couple of bits and pumped a load of voltage through the cards. I haven't played BF4 in months, so haven't tried it with the new driver, so fingers crossed. ;)
18 Jan 2012
Better not be metro, flood zone or lockers! :p

Hopefully either paracel (jet action), rogue (tank action), lacang (aa, tank or jet action).

Yeah no flood zone or lockers plz, they degenerate into a cluster **** half the time on conquest large never mind 64 player conquest small.

Golmund would be interesting for the massed tank action (then Stulid can have his AA, as long as his HDD is fast enough)
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4 Jun 2009
Yeah no flood zone or lockers plz, they degenerate into a cluster **** half the time on conquest large never mind 64 player conquest small.

Golmund would be interesting for the massed tank action (then Stulid can have his AA, as long as his HDD is fast enough)

I didn't see the "conquest small".....going to be awful with 64 players, that only works best with 48, just stick to large for 64.

Forgot about golmud, yup it be a good map for some farming ;)
22 Aug 2007
Crazy 290 deal just for players ? (hope not - I got 'the look' when I mentioned Saturday teatime . . . .)

Not dissing my BF4 ability (much) but it is highly unlikely I will have many tickets for the 295, so need a 290 in the meantime and ideally by Saturday.

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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
What's worse in Lancang is when fackin' boats site MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILES out lobbing in TV missiles or similar.


That map is easy for long distance trolloloing....

I once had the whole of the opposing side trying to Jet Ram my AA in my base over and over again, they got proper frustrated with me sitting in the base with the AA picking them off from the other side of the map, as soon as they took of from their base in the gunship i was on them.

Its not good really.
4 Jun 2009
Never have myself, but in AA's really go to the front line?


I always do! Can't stand the way people sit in base with the aa and end up with a whopping 10-15 kills and 0 deaths.....

Use zuni's instead of those noob activ radar missiles and easily get 40+ k/d destroying infantry, aircraft + tanks etc. (if you catch them by surprise)

Sooooo satisfying raping the aa people who sit in base with the attack jet though, just come from straight above where they have no line of sight, funny watching them reverse/drive forward in a hurry to only get stuck on something :D

Surely it has to be an infantry map?, otherwise the knifing bit is going to be tough, especially if Roy is an AA base camper!

If anything that will be better! Make it more of a challenge. But then, I am just going for the number one spot as usual so not too bothered about knifing them :p

Zavod is probably the best all round map for infantry.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I always do! Can't stand the way people sit in base with the aa and end up with a whopping 10-15 kills and 0 deaths.....

Use zuni's instead of those noob activ radar missiles and easily get 40+ k/d destroying infantry, aircraft + tanks etc. (if you catch them by surprise)

Sooooo satisfying raping the aa people who sit in base with the attack jet though, just come from straight above where they have no line of sight, funny watching them reverse/drive forward in a hurry to only get stuck on something :D

If anything that will be better! Make it more of a challenge. But then, I am just going for the number one spot as usual so not too bothered about knifing them :p

Zavod is probably the best all round map for infantry.

I always make sure to have a clear escape rout :D its the same for those TV missiles, you can see them coming in, just floor it at the last second before impact, they can't turn the thing tight enough to follow just before it gets near you.
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