I'm not sure why you quoted me as what you just wrote has little to do with what I wrote. Just to recap: You were having a go at me for suggesting that the 8700k's slightly lower sales in September over August might be in part due not only to the 2600's resurgence but also that a new Intel CPU is due in October.
My reply was purely reinforcing the sensible and impartial notion that sales of a brand of CPU might dip the month before a refresh CPU launch (same for AMD as well).
You're reply, while perfectly anecdotal and I'm in total agreement with is what we refer to as non sequitur.
You might as well have talked about how good the Barton CPU's were (forgive the slight hyperbole but you should get my point)
Look at the chart again, removing your AMD tinted glasses, and rather than just looking at the 2600's meteoric rise, look at the 8700k's numbers; even with the swing to AMD in terms of percentage of total CPU sales,
the 8700K sales since May 2018 have steadily increased each month till August and then have taken a slight dip in September, one month before their new CPU launch.
While I'm in total agreement with you and your mates as to Intel practices and short changing us customers, the sales numbers in the last chart should help give some indication as to the consensus view outside of these forums.