my 8350 was running stock with an msi 7950 boost edition and it has played any games on high setting that ive tried.
Im tempted to go intel if my 8350 doesnt get exchanged ill be looking to go intel before the end of the year. if it does get replaced ill hold off till the middle of next year and my son will get the 8350 with my sabertooth board
or I might try the 9590 and my son will get the 8350 in the gigabyte board I have sitting
so i moved to a i7 6700k from the AMD 8350, kept same Graphics card MSI 290 Gaming , I tried GTA 5 with same settings as i did with the AMD 8350, it is miles better, when on GTA5 i used to see frames drop to 40-45 and see that stutter, now im getting a solid 60fps my monitor is 60hz, and is super smooth, i even maxed the settings with just AA off, and its stays stuck on 60fps,
its like its brought the graphics card to life